7 Bus Conversions That Will Inspire You to Hit the Road

bus conversions-bed and breakfast interior

Converted buses are the ultimate DIY mobile home. Taking a bus used to transport people and turning it into a rolling home with all the luxuries of a home is am an amazing feat. Those that have converted a bus into a home should be applauded for their can-do attitude and their ability to transform the mundane into something magical and that’s what we’re doing.

These 7 bus conversions will certainly inspire you to hit the road. Traveling the country, whether in a factory-built camper or a DIY bus conversion is a dream for many of us. A recent article said people, especially the younger generation, are turning their focus on experiences rather than possessions. That means more people are looking for inexpensive, original ways to travel and live. These 7 bus conversions we found online prove just how easy that can be.

7 Bus Conversions that will Make You Swoon

A Family of 5 Calls “Big Bertha” Home

This bus conversion is an interesting story that was featured on Treehugger last year. The couple, along with their three children, converted the bus into their full-time home after a new job presented itself. Rather than spend hours away from each other because of the long commute, they decided to transform the bus so they could be together and save money. They turned the bus into a solar power home big enough for now and later as the kids get older.

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Notice the wall heater?
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Need plenty of storage with toddlers.
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The tub is deep to keep the kids from splashing water.
bus conversions-big bertha exterior
So cool.

images property of Treehugger

Couple Tours the Country in a Bluebird Bus

Will and Alyssa are sharing their tour across the country on their blog Outside Found and enjoying every minute of it. Their remodel of a 2001 Bluebird created 200 square feet of living space that even includes storage space for all their outdoor activity equipment. They are also fortunate enough to own their own business and can work remotely, a dream come true!

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They did a gorgeous job.
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There is even overhead storage up front.
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The couple calls this the garage.
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You wouldn’t expect this bus to be so roomy.

images property of Outside Found

This Bus is Home Sweet Home to a Family of 8

Smaller Living shared this awesome bus conversion a couple of years ago and we were amazed that this tiny home could fit a family of 8 comfortably and allow them to travel. The most impressive feature of this project, the kitchen! It’s just so homey.

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No one feels claustrophobic in this bus.
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The kitchen is amazing.
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Nice to be able to move your home to anywhere!

images property of Gray Goose Voyage Instagram


Adventure Awaits For This Couple From Germany in a Converted Bus

This couple from Germany was featured on Treehugger a couple of years ago after they decided to venture to from Germany to the United States to travel from Alaska to South America in a converted school bus. They call it their “Loft on Wheels” and they did an awesome job with it!

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It’s decorated so cool.
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We are big fans of repurposing wood.
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Plenty of space and storage in the bedroom.

images property of Treehugger

Related:  Check out One Family’s Affordable RV Renovation.

Converted Bus Transformed to Cool Bed and Breakfast

This is one of the most awesome bus conversions that we have come across. Located in England, and featured on Huffington Post, is the perfect getaway spot for anyone who is looking to travel off the beaten path. One look inside and it’s hard to believe its even a bus!

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Perfect spot to relax.
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So much light flows into this bus.
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A little piece of paradise.

all images property of Huffington Post

Bus Converted into Tiny Home

This couple decided it was time to try something different and fell in love with the idea of turning a bus into a tiny home. They spent around 6 months on the conversion and then proceeded to live in the tiny home for over two years. They did an amazing job of providing plenty of storage and creating a tiny home they can be proud of.

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The kitchen is bigger than some apartments have.
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Nice size tub for a tiny home.
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In for a surprise once you step inside.

images property of Tiny House Swoon

A Family of 6 Enjoys the Freedom of Living in a Converted Bus

Smaller Living featured this cool take on a bus conversion that is home to a family with 4 small children who are all homeschooled. We love how creative they were, the master bedroom is on one end, the kid’s bunk beds on the other end, with plenty of space to move around in between. They also got creative and utilized every inch of available space for living or storage space.

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With 4 kids a nice size kitchen is important.
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Still enough room for the kids to sit and eat.
bus conversions-family of 6 bedroom
Love the bedroom space.

all images property of Smaller Living

Final Thoughts

As you can see from these 7 bus conversions, more and more people are thinking outside the box to find ways to give tiny home living a try. Whether it be to see the world, scale back and save money, or just try something different, bus conversions are the ultimate mobile home and a great way to live life!

Thanks for reading Mobile Home Living®.


Crystal Adkins

In 2011, Crystal Adkins founded Mobile Home Living after buying a 1978 single wide mobile home in Oak Hill, WV. She searched for mobile home remodeling ideas online but was disappointed by the meager results. Mobile Home Living is now America's most popular resource for mobile home remodeling ideas and decorating inspiration, boasting over 60 million pageviews. She still proudly lives in her 1978 mobile home.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Chuck

    I really enjoyed this unique article on MOBILE living. Those seven homes are amazing. In the early 1960’s my friend’s family converted a school bus into the same camping vehicle – still remember spending long afternoons sitting in SEE- MORE imagining the adventures on the road. Great article that highlighted the ” on the road” living.

  2. Mari Jusino

    OMG, I love them all! You’ve inspired me!

  3. Arlene Baker

    You might want to be aware that many RV parks will not allow certain typesof RVs into their parks, or RVs of a certain age. I think it is wholly unfair, but there you have it. I love this site! And of course, all those bus conversions are the ultimate!

  4. Kim

    Good to know, thanks for the info!

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