5 Great Manufactured Home Interior Design Tricks

malibu mobile home for sale - open living

These five great manufactured home interior design tricks will help you turn your manufactured home into a gorgeous space to call home.

Professional interior designers use several tricks to help change a home’s appearance. They study for years to learn how to maximize a home’s assets and fix their problems with style.

There are basic tricks for different house issues like how to make a ceiling seem taller or make a room appear larger. We’ve shared a few manufactured homes and mobile homes that have been updated by professional designer both for business and personal use. This professionally updated double wide is a sleek stunner and this double wide is a traditional country style mixed with modern comforts.

Here’s How a Professional Interior Designer Decorates a Manufactured Home

This beautiful manufactured home is best described as minimal luxury but that’s most likely because it has been staged properly.

Even home stagers use basic tricks to help the home sell quicker and at a higher price. One of their first moves, when a house goes on the market, is to declutter the home completely. Learn more about what buyers look for when buying a manufactured home here.

By learning the most basic manufactured home interior design tricks we can improve our own homes. Here are 5 manufactured home interior design tricks that this home uses to its advantage – you can do the same in your own home!

The Most Popular Manufactured Home Interior Design Tricks Uses the Rule of 3’s

The first manufactured home design trick that jumps out is the chair rail. Chair rails are often thought to be installed to protect a wall from the backs of chairs, but that isn’t the only reason at all.

In most professionally designed homes, a chair rail is installed to do one thing and one thing only – make a room appear taller.


Manufactured Home Interior Design Tricks-dining room chair rail using the rule of 3

Typically, chair rails are installed proportionally using the rule of 3 (or 3rd’s). You take the wall’s total height and divide by 3. Manufactured homes often have 7-foot sidewalls so you’d divide 84″ by 3 to get 28.

Using the rule of 3 has been proven to work in small spaces time and time again.  This home still uses the rule of 3 but it takes it to a whole new level by positioning the chair rail on the 2/3 line instead of the 1/3. It works perfectly to pull the eye up toward the ceiling.


Manufactured Home Interior Design Tricks-malibu mobile home for sale - kitchen


Manufactured Home Interior Design Trick #2 – Cohesion and Flow

The second manufactured home interior design trick used in this beautiful mobile home is the use of texture. Notice all the wood on display in the space? The coffee table, end table, chair, flooring, and even picture frames use a similar texture and tone.

By using a color, texture, or material throughout a space you give it cohesion.


Manufactured Home Interior Design Tricks-cohesion

Cohesion connects separate spaces together and gives it flow.


Manufactured Home Interior Design Trick #3 – Lots of Light

Light is an interior designer’s best tool and this home uses light perfectly. Windows allow ample natural light in so that it can bounce around and do its magic.

In addition to the natural light, an abundance of recessed display lights (or pendant lights) were installed throughout the living room and kitchen.

Light always makes a home seem larger and more welcoming.


Manufactured Home Interior Design Tricks-lots of light


The bedroom in this gorgeous double wide manufactured home only uses a shade, no curtains. It keeps the room minimal and bright.

Manufactured Home Interior Design Tricks-bedroom of beautiful malibu mobile home


Manufactured Home Interior Design Trick #4 – Minimal Decor

Minimal homes are just as inviting and cozy as the notoriously comfortable shabby chic style.

Of course, we all want our home to reflect our style but there’s a fine line in attractive decor and over-decorating.

Interior design professionals limiting your collections to groups of three. Three is certainly a magic number in the interior design world!

Manufactured Home Interior Design Tricks-bedroom 2 in malibu mobile home


Manufactured Home Interior Design Tricks-beautiful bedroom in malibu mobile home for sale
Keep the bedrooms clutter-free and minimal. Let relaxation be the star of every bedroom.


Manufactured Home Interior Design Trick #5 – White is Always Right

You can’t go wrong with white in a home. That’s why it’s such a popular color in home decor.

Certainly, white is hard to keep clean it is a perfect choice for walls. It makes space seem larger and provides a blank canvas. You’re the artist, the white walls are your canvas, all you have to do it create your masterpiece!


Manufactured Home Interior Design Tricks-bathroom in malibu mobile home

Above all, white is a popular color for walls and furniture. Similarly, this shabby chic and beach cottage uses white to its advantage. 

This shabby chic double wide is gorgeous and uses white throughout the home.

There’s so much potential in manufactured homes of all ages, shapes, and sizes. This is just one example of the dozens of great mobile home decorating ideas.

As always, thank you for reading Mobile Home Living!

Crystal Adkins

In 2011, Crystal Adkins founded Mobile Home Living after buying a 1978 single wide mobile home in Oak Hill, WV. She searched for mobile home remodeling ideas online but was disappointed by the meager results. Mobile Home Living is now America's most popular resource for mobile home remodeling ideas and decorating inspiration, boasting over 60 million pageviews. She still proudly lives in her 1978 mobile home.

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Mischelle

    Can’t wait to show this article to my husband. Just remodeled a bathroom in our manufactured home and took the board & batton 2/3 up the walls for height. He said it wouldn’t look right but is now eating his words!

  2. Crystal Adkins

    Ha! Glad it could help – I love to make my hubby eat his words too!!

  3. Jackie P

    WOW! Absolutely stunning! I never even knew there was such a thing as a triple wide!! I do love my single, but would not hesitate to move into that beauty!! TFS!

  4. Carol Palinkas

    I am so glad I found this site! My husband and I are downsizing and relocating to Arizona, where we can pay cash for a manufactured home — but we have never done anything like this, and it does appear daunting.

    I’m really inspired by what I’ve seen, and have far more confidence that we don’t have to break the bank to put a home together that we can enjoy for years to come.

  5. Tom

    In designing the structure of a home plays an important role. This particular lot had an old mobile home on it . The clients removed the old home and went to work with me in designing what they wanted . We figured out the dimensions of the lot and what was in line with the state and the parks set backs. We came up with a three section home that maximized the space. Structurally we placed in the 2 by 6 inch exterior walls and heavy roof load and all the windows / recessed lights/ electrical and plumbing at the factory. HUD requires a home that is somewhat finished in order to pass through State inspection. The clients placed in cabinetry at factory and left the appliances out / . This took planning on certain dimensions of appliances to coordinate kitchen correctly. We also opted for a number of skylights to allow as much lighting and openess to the home. I have pictures of how the home came in and the transformation of the unit from the factory to the final pictures you see here. It was great working with the clients on the structural design of their new home and ordering it for them through the factory.

  6. esther

    Love, love the decorating. I have a double wide, 2006 and would love to update the kitchen, living room combo. Getting ideas via this site and a few others. My big dilemma is who can do the work and a reasonable price here in Santa Cruz, CA.


  7. Crystal Adkins

    Hi Esther!

    I would call your local mobile home supply center and/or dealers and ask if they know anyone. That seems to be the safest and most reliable method of finding contractors that will work on mobile homes.

    Thanks for reading MHL! Best of luck!

  8. sharon

    Thank you over and over again. Had originally considered building a home but now consider buying a manufactured home and remodeling to my personality. Your website provides great insights to endless possibilities.

  9. Crystal Adkins

    Thanks for commenting Sharon! It always makes my day to know someone is finding MHL useful and inspiring!

  10. Cynthia

    This remodel is so inspiring! I want to know where to find the window frames I see throughout the house, especially in the kitchen and bedrooms. They look gorgeous, and the wider frames give them a brighter, cleaner look. Sources, please?

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