Beautiful $15,000 Single Wide Manufactured Home

Beautiful $15,000 Single Wide Manufactured Home - gorgeous living room after makeover

This 1980 Skyline single wide manufactured home cost $10,000. Another $5,000 and smart planning turned this house into a beautiful $15,000 single wide manufactured home that you will love!

This gorgeous manufactured home is proof that you can live very well in an affordable manufactured home. For only $15.000 Annie has an economical and stylish home that is all hers. What an amazing deal!

Annie purchased this home in Inverness, FL in an attempt to live a more affordable lifestyle outside the Miami area where she had been living.

Beautiful $15,000 single Wide Manufactured Home - exterior

The manufactured home had set empty for almost 10 years so she had a lot of work ahead of her. After extensive cleaning, she began planning her manufactured home makeover. And what a makeover it is!

This 1980 Skyline model single wide has a total of 720 square feet of living space. It has two bedrooms and one and a half baths. It features a small screened in porch on one side that also doubles as the laundry room and a double carport on the other side.

Beautiful $15,000 Single Wide Manufactured Home - gorgous kitchen after makeover

Annie decided on the popular beach cottage style decor. It’s a given for any Florida home! She chose artwork and furniture with a ‘natural’ worn beach look, particularly with lots of whites and blues, such as the artwork in her living room:

Beautiful $15,000 Single Wide Manufactured Home - wall art

Related: Another great manufactured home with a beach cottage style decor.

Out with the Old in With the New 

First, the entrance of this beautiful $15,000 single wide manufactured home was simplified. The built-in shelving was removed to give the space a more simplified and updated look.

Beautiful $15,000 Single Wide Manufactured Home - build ins before makeover

Beautiful $15,000 Single Wide Manufactured Home - builtins removed after affordable makeover

Related: Gorgeous Single Wide Beach House Inspiration

Paint Makes a Huge Impact

The first step of achieving this beautiful $15,000 single wide manufactured home was to just strip it all down and scrub everything.

Beautiful $15,000 Single Wide Manufactured Home - kitchen after affordable makeover

Next, a coat of Zinsser paint and primer was applied to just about everything in the home: ceilings, walls, and even cabinets. After the primer dried, it was painted over it with Behr’s paint in Falling Snow.

Painting instantly lightened and brightened the home.

Related: How to Update a Mobile Home’s Vinyl Coated Walls and Get Rid of the Battens

New Floors are a Great Step to Updating a Home

After painting a home, the next step is usually to install new flooring, and that’s exactly what Annie did. Paint and flooring are always our top two suggestions for updating a mobile home. It’s amazing what a bright ceiling and a new coat of paint can do to a room. New flooring is the crown on top or bottom!

Pulling up carpet and vinyl is no easy task in some manufactured homes due to their construction. Flooring is typically laid down before walls are installed, so you have to cut it out as close to the wall as possible. It’s not difficult, just a bit inconvenient and it’s well worth it to get new flooring!

Beautiful $15,000 Single Wide Manufactured Home - gorgeous living room after makeover

Annie installed Trafficmaster Alure vinyl planks throughout the entire home, including the bathrooms.

Beautiful $15,000 Single Wide Manufactured Home

Buying the single wide at the bargain price of $10,000 allowed Annie the opportunity to spend around $5,000 on her complete manufactured home makeover. She was able to create a beautiful $15,000 single wide manufactured home with new flooring, paint, and new appliances (a dishwasher was installed as the home didn’t have one). A new stove was also installed.

Beautiful $15,000 Single Wide Manufactured Home - bedroom after makeover 2

Related: Park Model Home Decorating Ideas – Beach Cottage Chic

Jan, Annie’s sister, was kind enough to share Annie’s home with us and we are so appreciative. Learning how others can create such a beautiful home for only $15,000 is so inspiring!

Beautiful $15,000 Single Wide Manufactured Home - beautiful bedroom after makeover

Annie told us her best advice for anyone looking to update an older mobile or manufactured home on a budget was to remove everything dated, including the window treatments and carpet, and add a fresh coat of paint on everything. New flooring is her second suggestion for giving your home a brand new look. We totally agree!

Thanks so much, Jan and Annie! Your beautiful $15,000 single wide manufactured home is an amazing example of living in an affordable home with style.

And thank you for reading Mobile Home Living!

Kim Alley

Kim Alley has written over 300 articles for Mobile Home Living and grew up in the same West Virginia hollow as Crystal. She is a proud manufactured homeowner and grandmother.

This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Melinda

    Absolutely gorgeous! I currently renting a mobile ome. My husband and I are hoping to buy a mobile home in good condition , hopefully under $10,000 so we can fix up and grow old in together raising our child. I fell in love with mobile himes as a child spending some summers at a cousin’s house who lived & still does live in a mobile home. I think these homes are absolutely beautiful when in the right hands. Thank you for sharing your post. It inspires me. God bless!

  2. Steve Diffy

    What style of flooring did she use. I know you said TrafficMaster. It is what I will be using as well. I just have a hard time making up my mind which style to use. I keep going back to the tile look. But each time I see a photo of wood look…it always looks great.

  3. Rob Coleman

    I have purchased a 1970 Marlette 12×70 single wide that i’m in process of fixing up.My first order of business is to do a roof over. I have elevated the roof to 5′ above the mobile home and will enclose the space putting fixed windows 4.0×1.0 in the section above the existing mobile home roof, I will then enclose the exterior of the mobile home between the 4×4 posts with 2×4 walls attached to the posts,add more insulation and new windows and doors.After it is completely enclosed I will remove the mobile home roof completely and extend the 2×2 exterior walls of the MH up to meet the roof over giving the mobile home 12′ ceilings at the highest point and allowing the 4.0 1.0 windows to bring in natural light. This is my tiny house MH hybrid project and am very excited to be working on such a cool project.

  4. Crystal Adkins

    Hi Rob!

    This sounds exciting! Would you be willing to take a few photos along the way? I’d love to share it with the readers – I bet it could help a lot of homeowners.

    Best of luck to you! I’m excited to se how it all turns out!

  5. Rob Coleman

    Thanks Crystal….I have been taking some pics of the roof over. Progress is slow,slower than I would like.It may be a while before the project is completed,but I would love for your readers to see it. I’m also excited to see how it turns out!

  6. Candy

    Who do you know in MS that can remodel a mobile home?

  7. Crystal Adkins

    Hi Candy,

    Unfortunately, I don’t know a soul in the great state of Mississippi. You may find someone through your local mobile home parts supply store. They will at least have an idea of which contractors have worked on manufactured homes. Sorry! (I do hope to get a database together that shows companies in each state that work on manufactured homes but I need to learn how to do it first.)

    Best of luck!

  8. Hunter Hampton

    Smart decorating, many older mobiles are just too dark. This is light and bright and airy. Good job.

  9. Bettie marcussen

    Are there any pros and cons regarding using sheet vinyl vs vinyl plank. ? I’m going to be putting in new flooring in the hall bath and kitchen.

  10. Bettie marcussen

    I think I just answered my own question by reading the info here on flooring. I think I’m going with the sheet vinyl. I love this site.

  11. Deborah Skelly

    Looking for a 2 bedroom 2 baths in good condition. Want to move it

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