Colorful and Low Cost Single Wide Room Ideas

Colorful Living Room

If you’re looking for low cost single wide makeover ideas, this is perfect for you! I found these colorful single wide room ideas on HGTV Rate My Space. I thought you’d enjoy it as much as I did.

When I researched the screen name of the person that uploaded the photos, Cybergypsy, I found several rooms that they had updated and decorated (some of the same room even) and each one is great! I’ll share them all with you!

In this makeover, the living room has a contemporary style with some dramatic splashes of red/orange. The minimalist decor is very easy on the eyes! Love the flooring, too.

Colorful single wide room ideas

Colorful living room makeover in a single wide

Cybergypsy also uploaded some photos of her kitchen. She carried the warm color palette into the room and has some amazing storage going on. The transformation is terrific!

This is a perfect low cost single wide room makeover!

Here’s what they started with:
Here’s what she ended with:

Who would’ve thought to remove the cabinet doors? Not me, but I may just try it! It certainly adds a modern storage system look and the convenience has got to be great.

Cybergypsy wrote that they painted the cabinets and the countertops. Paint is our best friend in any makeover.

Related: 7 Affordable Ideas to Update Mobile Home Kitchen Cabinets.

As I mentioned before, they uploaded several rooms to the Rate My Space blog. Here, you can see the same living room above in a slightly different style:

The brown curtains and new media cabinet really changed the whole room. It amazes me how a little change can bring such a drastic result.

Are you ready to be amazed? OK, get ready and don’t say I didn’t warn you. Here’s what the living room started out as:

This is what I love most about this blog! I get to show you how drastic and changeable a mobile home can be. The best part is that it doesn’t take that much: some paint, perhaps some new flooring and some curtains. Together with some decor and furniture and you have a completely different room that is both modern and stylish.

There’s more to come, come back soon.

As always, thank you so much for reading Mobile Home Living!

Crystal Adkins

In 2011, Crystal Adkins founded Mobile Home Living after buying a 1978 single wide mobile home in Oak Hill, WV. She searched for mobile home remodeling ideas online but was disappointed by the meager results. Mobile Home Living is now America's most popular resource for mobile home remodeling ideas and decorating inspiration, boasting over 60 million pageviews. She still proudly lives in her 1978 mobile home.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Renee

    I love this. I think the reason I was so discouraged retiring to a mobile home this summer was all the clutter. I had a negative attitude so didn’t try to come up with solutions. When we go back in March, I’m going to try to hide everything I can as that is so much easier on the eyes..

  2. Mayia

    Your article about “Colorful and Low Cost Single Wide Room Ideas” provides sufficient amount of information about room decoration. I am self-assured about my judgment that it is not home decoration if you put some costly fixtures items to your home and display them; instead it is about creating a peaceful, comfy and snug environment according to your own taste and trend. One of the most precious ideas that differentiate this article from others is appropriate “pictures”. Surely in future I’ll be in touch with you to get more information and inspiration about Bedrooms decorating Ideas. Thanks

  3. Alli

    This article was great, and the references are BEYOND helpful!!
    I live in a single wide mobile home with my husband, and 1y/o son, and have been desperate for ideas! Our home is a fixer-upper, and I’ve hit nothing but dead ends in trying to find ideas, and references. Thank you for putting together such a nice article <3!!

  4. Lynn

    I bought an old single wide and need to do some fixing. First the bathroom but, can get by with waiting on some of the other things. I have to have a walk in shower so taking out the old tub and moving the toilet is going to be a big project. It involves changing the laundry too. Might have to resort to a stackable. Would appreciate any input from anyone who has had some experience with a stack set laundry. I’m concerned that it might be hard to use the dryer as I get older. I really like the flooring in your featured mobile. Not sure I can do that yet but, would like to know what it is, if you know. I’ll do some vinyl in the bathroom. Thanks again for a great website. Lynn

  5. Crystal Adkins

    Hi Lynn,

    I have had a stackable and I loved it! I found it easier to get the clothes in the dryer with the stackable than with a regular floor dryer because there was little bending required. The only problem was needing to do smaller loads but it wasn’t too much of a problem as there was only 3 of us. The smaller footprint allowed us to have more storage and I set up a little folding table beside the stackable to fold and sort. It was the best laundry area I’ve ever had!

    Please take lots of photos as you go – I’d love to see how it all turns out! Best of luck!


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