Inspiring Illustrator’s Single Wide Mobile Home Makeover

This mobile home makeover is the bees knees!
All works of art and photos are the property of Becky Schultea.

I have recently been introduced to a real-life illustrator with so much talent that it’s almost indescribable really, and the cherry on top is SHE LIVES IN A SINGLE WIDE  HOME too! She also likes to decorate said mobile home…and that’s a Mobile Home Living dream come true.  Her single wide mobile home makeover is great!

Allow me to introduce you to a lovely and very kind fellow blogger, Becky Schultea. She has a wonderfully creative blog called “Just Bee’n Me”  where she shares her works of wonderful illustrations, fun gadgets and products with her wonderful illustrations ON them, digital clip art, e-cards, crafts and yes, mobile home decorating ideas (and much more)!

She has been living in a mobile home for the last few years. Her life story could be a Lifetime movie of the week, it is inspiring, incredibly motivating and humbling all at the same time.

She was recently divorced, had just bought a beautiful brick home in her Texas hometown and was working for IBM. She met the man of her dreams, John, got married and then suddenly her position was outsourced. Now to me, that would be the end of the world for at least a year, I would pout and refuse to get out of the bed!

Becky didn’t pout at all. Her faith in God and her ability to see the rainbow after the rain gave her the little nudge she needed to start her very own illustration and design company! They went from 2 incomes to only 1 and downsized into a 1000 square foot mobile that was John’s old bachelor pad.

Unfortunately, her story sounds a bit to familiar this day and age. We all know someone (or is that someone) that was negatively impacted by this awful economic downturn America has faced. What I found most admiring with Becky’s story is that she didn’t think twice about having to go from a very nice stick built brick home to a small single wide. She made the best of it and tackled the situation with faith and vigor.

The Mobile Home Makeover

Here’s the before and after photos of the single wide they lived in while renting out the brick home. Her mobile home makeover is simple yet it changes the whole look of the home.

Becky's mobile home makeover - before
Becky’s Living room and Kitchen Before…
Becky's mobile home makeover -after
Becky’s Living Room and Kitchen AFTER!
Becky's mobile home makeover-bedroom - before
Master bedroom Before….(the vinyl coated wall monster strikes again).
Becky's mobile home makeover -bedroom - after
Master bedroom AFTER!
Becky's mobile home makeover -curtain ideas
The cute valances get much cuter with her talent and creativity.
Her no-sew valances are perfectly cute and easy, you can get the how-to here.
Becky's mobile home makeover -curtain ideas
Becky's mobile home makeover -curtain ideas
Becky's mobile home makeover -curtain ideas
Ready for the happily ever after ending? The Schultea’s are now able to move back into their brick home! It’s been 3 years since they moved into their single wide and did the mobile home makeover and things have made a positive turn. Her illustration business is doing well, with the gas prices as crazy high as they are it, made better sense to move closer to her husbands work and she can continue her freelance designing from home. They may rent out the mobile home or they may just use it as a weekend retreat. A perfectly fine ending to a not so perfect story.
Becky Shultea - Illustrator
Becky at a very important trade show for freelance illustrators!
Becky is a fine example of what life can hand us all. The ups and downs; twists and turns. We may have never thought that we would end up living in a mobile home. Whether it be our pride or our prejudiced against them, we must admit that mobile homes are not most peoples idea of a “dream homes” per se.
If we had a choice and an endless supply of money, most of us would not choose a mobile home. However, the majority of us DO have a budget and there are several reasons why we choose a mobile home. We are not settling mind you, we are making the best of our situations. There are multimillion dollar corporations in the US that buy mobile homes that have been neglected and gutted, fix them up and sell them for a fine profit. They very well can be equitable purchases while providing a means to live comfortably while waiting for that next be twist of fate in our lives.

No one should ever think badly of mobile homes. They are the most affordable means of owning a slice of the American dream. They are a fine way to live while saving or while retiring. They are perfect for small families and couples that don’t need a lot of space. There are so many great attributes about mobile homes. No, they aren’t perfect but they are affordable and a great foundation for any dream home. Live proudly in them and make the best of any situation you may find yourself in. The fact is that mobile homes are a fine option, an actual home that we middle class earners can afford and turn into a home to be truly proud of.

It’s not what you have, it’s what you make of it!

Becky, your story is wonderful. You did what you needed to do to make your life your own and pursue your dreams. I wish I had that gumption! I am so happy for you and thankful that you allowed me to feature you. Thank you! PS I just adore your designs, too!

I was introduced to this blog by a dear blogging friend (thanks Geneva!) that has allowed me to feature her wonderful blog “My Heart’s Song” and her mobile home. She always sends me links to other “mobile home” blogs and I appreciate it so very much! Please keep sending them Geneva!

Thanks so much for reading Mobile Home Living. Please like us on Facebook (we are just hoovering at the 600 mark) and follow us on Twitter. Thanks so much y’all!

4 thoughts on “Inspiring Illustrator’s Single Wide Mobile Home Makeover”

  1. I found your site via pintrest. Loving seeing all of the wonderful remodeling ideas. I have a 1998 Clayton that I am ready to remodel.

  2. Hi Shirlee,Thanks so much for your comment. I certainly think sharing walls wouldbe a downgrade from having all 4 to yourself. I really think with theenvironmental initiative that mobile homes will eventually beembraced, lets hope so anyway! I appreciate you reading MHL and pleasecome back, I have another featured home coming up in the next fewdays!

  3. I really enjoying seeing the mobile home transformations. She did a nice job of taking it from bachelor pad to cottage cute. And Becky's illustrations are wonderful. Her style reminds me a bit of Mary Engelbreit.

    Hopefully one day people will get over their negative thinking about living in a mobile home. It's a great alternative to living in a townhome or condo where you have shared walls and very little or no yard space. When we had our mobile home, it was cozy and comfortable, more so than most stick homes we've had.

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