Endless potential.
‘Endless potential‘ is the phrase that best describes single wide mobile homes. You can transform them into any type of home and that point is proven with this Texas trailer remodel.
The owners had the single wide trailer, as the architect called it, sitting on a 300-acre heritage farm in Texas for years, using it only for weekend getaways. When the time came to retire, they chose not to build a new home, but to transform the single wide into a magnificently modern, and equally amazing home, instead.
The trailer remodel was designed by Ignacio Salas-Humara Architect LLC and found on their Houzz.com profile. They focused on disguising the single wide’s typical rectangle shape and breaking up the long lines. The architect states that inspiration for the transformation came from the surrounding area’s farm, ranch and agricultural structures such as barns, sheds, and feed mills.
By using fairly affordable materials and adding several cleverly placed additions, they knocked it out of the park!
Front Entrance
The original front deck stayed but received a new roof held up with the cedar posts and 2×6’s. The original front door was extended to add additional light for the home and a stone patio was installed on the ground to extend outdoor living space.
Related: 45 Great Manufactured Home Porch Designs.
Below you can see a close up of the new roofing over the front deck. 12 feet of glass was used in the replacement of the front door, making the small living room seem bigger by connecting the outdoors.
Back of the Trailer
The rear of the single wide already had a small addition attached that was used as a dining room. The windows were replaced with doors on all 3 sides of that addition and a large deck was built during this trailer remodel. The original back door to the right of the addition leads directly to the kitchen and was simply replaced.
The modifications on the back of the home gave the homeowners a grand outdoor living space. This maximizes the natural lighting in the home and reduces the separation between the interior and exterior, allowing ample views of the beautiful natural surroundings.
The railing around the deck is stainless steel cable with galvanized pipe handrails added to 6×6 cedar posts.
Every detail was carefully planned for this trailer remodel. Convenience for the newly retired couple was of utmost importance and the architect even offered the homeowners a very smart solution for trash removal. Below you can see the owner using the trash receptacle. The trash drops directly into a wheeled trash bin and can be easily removed from the carport.
You can get a close look at the 6×6 cedar columns and beams with exposed 2×6 cedar rafters as well as the galvanized pipe hand railings in the photo below.
The carport marks the entrance to the home and the architects featured its importance with a pergola and walkway.
Cattle panels were used for the vines to climb around and galvanized pipe and Speed Rail fittings were used to make the gate. They used recycled brick and flagstone for the walkway.
Related: 10 Great Landscaping Ideas for Your Mobile Home.
Interior of Trailer Remodel
Of course, the interior is just as amazing as the exterior!
An office was a large addition added to the single wide during this trailer remodel. A high ceiling structure with lots of windows and decking on 3 sides makes this a perfect place to get some work done!
Below is the dining room. The three doors were once just windows but the replacement allowed the beautiful trees and surroundings to be seen from the inside. It’s a great way to bring the outdoors in.
The home had dark wood paneling throughout and since the budget didn’t permit replacing it all, they simply painted over it to lighten it up. The flooring is real oak but they were able to save a lot of money by using surplus from a local flooring contractor. All the flooring in the home is oak end pieces and leftovers!
Last but not least is the stove that had its own little nook built on the back of the home so it wouldn’t take up living space. It adds warmth and allows that gorgeous oak behind it to be viewed.
So, what do you think?
Personally, I’m green with envy but I know that someday my home could end up to be just as beautiful. After all, this started out as a simple single wide and take a look at it now!
As always, thank you so much for reading Mobile Home Living!
WOW…WOW…WOW…I am blown away. This place is a dream as I LOVE sheet metal and clean modern design elements. Great job and so inspiring to me to continue to work on my little place. Just goes to show you that with some imagination & risk, beautiful out-of-the-box (hee hee) transformations can happen to our vintage trailers. Did you get a roofing contractor to do the outside sheet metal? It looks so fine.
Thanks Crystal for finding and posting such great Mo-bile renos!
Wow that is the most amazing transformation ever! Love everything about this home and the only thing missing is the horse looking over the fence! LOVE THIS JOB!!! Excellent on every part. The painting of the paneling is what I have to do to mine, it’s dark and makes me feeling like I live in a cave. I do have bright lovely windows but it is still dark inside. I know that painting will make all the difference. Love the fact you used re-purposed flooring, I need to do that, because the price of actual wood is far beyond my means.
Lovely job, I am so happy for you that you live in such a lovely space now, you really made it your own.
Victoria, BC Canada
This is amazingly gorgeous !. Wonder what the end dollar cost was to do this wonderful makeover?. Great ideas made for a great home !
Hi Sandy! I agree, this is gorgeous and I wondered the same thing about the cost.
I did a little cost comparison on the siding for our home, a 58×12 single wide, and we could completely re-side it with a high gauge sheet metal for around $1400 (thats just sheet metal, we would still need trim and screws). The window and doors, cedar posts and decking were probably the most expensive parts but they opted to go with minimal style which probably saved a great deal.
These remodels get me so excited, can you tell..lol 🙂 Thanks for commenting!
Hi Sue!
I have a feeling the horses are somewhere close! I simply re-posted the home, it was originally found on the architect’s profile at Houzz.com and there’s a few additional photos if you want to take a look (just click the link at the beginning of the article).
We had panelling in our single wide but instead of being dark brown it was a grey-brown and not at all pretty. Painting the walls really did make all the difference! It’s almost like a whole new house 🙂
Thanks so much for commenting and I hope to hear from you again real soon!
Hi Crystal, I just finished fixing up the singlewide on my little homestead as a vacation rental cottage, and your page (and Pinterest board) were so inspiring and helpful! They prepared me for the project. Thanks for all the great information! We’re thrilled with how ours came out, and love hanging out there when guests aren’t there.
Hi Elise!
Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m thrilled that MMHL came in handy for you and I appreciate you taking the time out to let me know! I bet your little cottage is gorgeous!
I hope you continue to stop by every now and then, even though you’re finished! Maybe I could even talk you into letting me share the updates you made someday. I’m always looking for projects to share 😉
I hope you and your family have a wonderful new year and thanks again for taking the time out to comment. It really does mean a lot to me.
Thank you so very much!
Oh my…..yes I am very green…….I love this. Thanks for the great things you show us and providing inspiration…..
Thank you for reading and commenting Pat!
Wow! Crystal, this is the most inspiring single wide remodel I have seen yet!! I love how they carefully added on and out and used remarkable materials! I especially like the exterior paneling.
Thanks as always for finding these gems!! 🙂
Thanks Crystal I will go look at more pictures. I am very limited to what I can do but paint I can get ahold of, even “mistake” cans at the paint store are cheap! Once I get homes for all my fish tanks, I can get near the walls to paint.
Thanks for the info and look forward to more of your posts!
Hi Jeni!
It’s great to hear from you! I like this one too, even if it’s waaaayy out of my budget!
I hope you are doing well and staying warm this winter. It’s always great to hear from you, thanks for taking the time to comment!
Hi, beautiful job. What color and brand did you use in the diningroom?
Hi Jamie!
Unfortunately, I was never able to make contact with the architect or owners so, for now anyway, there’s no way to find out what colors they used. It is a gorgeous golden yellow color, huh?
I looked at the Valspar color chart and thought the color called ‘Jackson Square’ looked close, but the color called ‘Pantone Solar Power’ had more of a yellow punch to it. It’s so hard to find the right paint color and that room is beautiful. I hope I helped a tad! Thanks so much for reading MMHL!
Crystal, many thanks for this one! It happens to be nearly exactly what we’d like to do for the exterior of a new manufactured we will be getting for our 5 acre property we are purchasing here in SW Washington state.
It makes such a difference to see great photos of ideas that have been until now just floating around my head. 🙂 These will provide continual inspiration as we design and build our home over time.
So glad they are handy to you! Hope to get some more great homes up soon 🙂
THIS is exactly what I’d like to achieve! I love it so so much. Beautifully, tastefully done.
This is so beautiful we got a free mobile home ,starting from 0….no money but im hoping one day it can look like yours…
Is this single-wide trailer on a permanent foundation..this seems to be a problem when considering adding on and attaching to a structure that may shift.
Hi Lindy,
When you build an addition onto a mobile home of any size it must be a self-supporting structure that can sway and shift on its own. Only the ‘shell’ is attached to the home (siding will wrap around home and addition, roof will butt up to it). So, there wouldn’t be much issue in that regard. Thanks so much!
When I looked at Houzz, the dining room picture had a ‘+” sign so I put my mouse over it and it said the color was ‘Sturdy Brown’. I looked up Sturdy Brown which is very brown but the colors on either side of suggested colors could’ve matched… Like ‘Galiant Gold’. I put the link above which shows a post on Pinterest for it. Someone had asked what the dining color was.
This whole thing is very cool. Wanting to buy land and a lot of them have old trailers on then so was looking how to get rid of them and also how to build a basement under them and ‘what does a floating slab mean’ and somehow came across your very interesting site. Thank you for sharing this find! It’s wonderful! So maybe instead of getting rid of one, I could fix’r up! xoxo