Teresa’s Spectacular Double Wide Kitchen Makeover

beautiful farmhouse double wide kitchen makeover

The very talented Teresa, from the blog Magazine Your Home, graciously shared her entire manufactured home’s transition with us a few months ago. Today, she shares her double wide kitchen makeover!

‘Organic farmhouse’ is a good description of Teresa’s favorite style and decor. It really isn’t an easy feat to make a modern manufactured home look like an authentic farmhouse but she does it well.

Her use of homemade items and secondhand finds add just the right touch to give the home a worn and comfortable ambiance that is so welcoming.

She truly does it all; sewing, furniture refurbishing, and even re-covering lampshades. She raises chickens, has horses, gardens, and cans.

Her little homestead in Alabama is a perfect place to relax and refresh.

Double Wide Kitchen Makeover

New paint, flooring, and curtains are just the beginning of the changes for this double wide kitchen makeover.

The before photos show the 1999 double wide manufactured home with all the standard features such as  laminated cabinetry and narrow molding.

You can save a lot of money by purchasing a used but recent model mobile home and remodel it yourself. In today‘s economy, it pays to be smart with your money and not overspend on housing. Debt free is always better! Teresa shows that it is possible to live in a gorgeous home that’s also affordable.

Teresa took out the built-in bar that separated the kitchen from the living and dining room to open up the space. 

By painting the cabinetry Teresa really opened the space up with light. Crisp and clean, with touches of country charm and organic accents, is a great style for those of us that like our homes to have the lived-in, comfy feel. 

Related: 7 Affordable Ideas to Update Mobile Home Kitchen Cabinets.

Teresa made the shades above the kitchen sink herself.

I’m sure you remember the dining room from the previous posts. It was a favorite update of mine! 
Teresa was able to change the entire look of the dining room fireplace with paint, bead board, and by adding a more prominent mantle. Everything was done on a budget.

DIY Bucket Light Fixture

The room is set off by the country chic chandelier that Teresa made herself using pipe and buckets. 

DIY bucket and pipe light fixture

It’s amazing what a few feet of pipe and two buckets can create!

Teresa’s mantle scapes are beautiful. She uses light, height, and color so well.

Every item is married perfectly to a setting and becomes a unique work of art and adds depth and drama to the room. This is one gorgeous double wide kitchen makeover.

Teresa’s Double Wide Kitchen Makeover Interview 

Teresa kindly answered a few questions for us.

Location: Alabama

Model/Year/Manufacturer/Size: My home was manufactured in 1999 and is about 2000 square feet.

Years Lived in: 1 1/2yrs

Favorite style: I like a mix of cottage style, farmhouse, traditional and whatever strikes my fancy.  

Inspiration:I love Pinterest and browsing design blogs. I’ve gotten so many great ideas from other do it your selfers online.

What was the most drastic change in your opinion?

It’s a toss-up between the flooring and painting the cabinets. I think I would say the flooring because the before was so horrendous.

What choices were the hardest to make?

Actually once the cabinets were painted everything kind of fell into place. White always gives me a clean slate to do whatever style and colors tickle my fancy. I think using white paint makes just about anything look good.

How did you pre-plan and prepare for double wide kitchen makeover?

I’ve been thinking about this redo for some time now and I like to keep pics of kitchens that inspire me via Pinterest. So when it came to the actual choosing my style I found that most of the pictures I had ‘pinned’ where of white cabinets, wood floors and with a Farmhouse flair.

Once I had that nailed down I made a list of what comes first, ie. paint cabinets, sew Roman shades (what would I need), flooring etc.  I also made a rule not to do any other projects until I was completely done with the first one on the list, that kept me on task.

What was the hardest physical challenge?

It’s going to sound crazy but it was the Roman Shades, those things sucked the life out of me lol. I now know why they charge an arm and a leg to get custom Roman Shades, they take forever!

How did you choose the flooring? What features were you looking for?

We wanted floors that were NOT a high gloss. We wanted floors with a feeling that they have been around for a long time something with a hand scraped look, with knot holes and variations in the color. Also, something that would last and stand up to our Golden Retriever.

Did you ever doubt yourself or have buyers remorse over anything?

Nope, I try not to look back, I stew over what to purchase for a while but once I’ve made a decision it’s full speed ahead!

Would you do anything differently during this double wide kitchen makeover ?

No, I’m pretty happy with how it all turned out. I do have a couple more things I would like to do to the kitchen down the road, such as adding a bead board or tin ceiling. I would also like to change the backsplash behind the stove. But all in all, I’m very content with my kitchen now.

Biggest Challenge so far:

My biggest challenge so far has been the walls with the battens :(, I’m just not a fan of them and rather than taking them down and filling in with joint compound or caulking I’ve just learned to work around them. Mainly I have used beadboard to cover a lot of it up.

I also have learned that just paint and decor takes the focus away from the battens. I’m also not happy with the ceilings and I will eventually cover them with beadboard as well.  

Favorite room/place in the home: 

I love my family room right now since I just redid my fireplace surround. My favorite room is always the room I’ve just completed because I gain a little more expertise with each room I do so the next room benefits.  

What friends say:

Many of my friends have wished they had bought a mobile home after seeing that you can transform them into a home you can love at a price you can afford, rather than having a huge mortgage on a regular home.

Biggest Embarrassment:

The outside of my home, basically the underpinning is not finished and this makes me crazy. Hopefully, that will be remedied this summer.

Proudest DIY moment:

The first room I transformed was my guest bath. It turned out wonderful and gave me the confidence that I could actually do whatever I wanted to my home.

Biggest Indulgence:

Laying down wood flooring has been the biggest indulgence at this time. However, I’m so happy we did it as it has made a huge difference.

Best advice:

Do whatever you feel like when remodeling your mobile home, there are no obstacles that you can’t overcome. It’s your home, make it beautiful!

Sources of materials/supplies for remodeling:

Lowe’s, Home Depot, Habitat for Humanity (a great resource for materials at a great discount)!   You can view my makeovers at magazineyourhome.blogspot.com   It is hard to believe Teresa has only been there for a year and a half. I can’t wait to see what she does this next year and a half! It will certainly be a  place anyone would be proud to call home.  

If you like blogs with lots of crafts, wonderful inspiration and gorgeous home updates, Magazine Your Home should be on your favorites list. The inspirations and crafts are plentiful. Teresa teaches how to make usable crafts and has useful how to’s with high impacts when finished.

Thank you so much for reading Mobile Home Living.  

Crystal Adkins

In 2011, Crystal Adkins founded Mobile Home Living after buying a 1978 single wide mobile home in Oak Hill, WV. She searched for mobile home remodeling ideas online but was disappointed by the meager results. Mobile Home Living is now America's most popular resource for mobile home remodeling ideas and decorating inspiration, boasting over 60 million pageviews. She still proudly lives in her 1978 mobile home.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. joy

    I love your kitchen so adorable…………..

  2. Lana

    I love it but how do you paint over laminate cabinets? What brands of paint and primer?

  3. Suzanne Melton

    I love everything about this makeover…from the bucket lighting fixture to the farmhouse truck (old yeller?) to the touches of red and the roosters!

  4. Crystal Adkins

    Hi Lana!

    Here’s an article I wrote about painting the vinyl coated walls, cabinets are the same concept. No sanding, lots of cleaning, primer, and light coats is the basic how to. in the article theres a list of paint that has worked well for other.

    Best of luck!

  5. Dawn England

    Do you have plans for the bucket pipe light fixture?
    If so, my hUs and would love to have them.

  6. Crystal Adkins

    Hi Dawn,

    I think she may have done it without any plans but hopefully she’ll see this and can help you!

  7. Meg

    Hi there! Where did you get the fabric for your roman shade? I just love it!

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