Learn how each state deals with titles, taxes, complaints, and registrations with our mobile home owner state guides. We cover titles, tax laws, transportation, and much more.
With more than 260 days of sunshine per year and close to 190 official beaches, Florida is one of the most beautiful states in the nation. Together with California and New York, it features some of the most luxurious site-built and manufactured housing communities…
The methods to classify a manufactured home as real estate varies for each state. These differing rules often leave mobile homeowners wondering what exactly their next steps should be. There are several things that must be done to a manufactured home before it can…
Our state guide series concludes this week as we take a look at buying a mobile home in Oklahoma. Mobile Home Facts in Oklahoma Although completely surrounded by other states, Oklahoma is actually home to more man made lakes than any other state in…
This week in our state guide series we are talking about what to know when buying a mobile home in Massachusetts. Massachusetts is one of the 5 smallest states across the country, but is home to variety of manufactured homes. Massachusetts Facts Massachusetts is…
This week we continue our state buying guide with things to know when buying a mobile home in Nebraska. We take a look at all the things to consider such as where to find information before making a purchase, what to do if there…
This week we are taking a look at buying a mobile home in New Jersey, which happens to be the most densely populated state with more people per square mile than any other state in the country. From how to research before buying to…
With only 5 states to go, this week we are exploring buying a mobile home in Minnesota. Minnesota is home to over 5.6 million people. No doubt that's why there are so many people making mobile homes their new home. Minnesota Facts and Figures…
Our state guide series is continuing this week with a look at things to remember when buying a mobile home in New Hampshire. Known as the Switzerland of America, it shouldn't be surprising that people love to live and vacation in this beautiful state.…
This week we are talking about things you will want to keep in mind when buying a mobile home in Wyoming. Also, we have included some cool mobile home finds from across the state. Facts about Wyoming Wyoming is the 10th largest state in…
We are continuing our mobile home buying guide as our attention stays north this week with a look at buying a mobile home in Connecticut. We only have a handful of states left to cover, including a look at Nebraska, Minnesota, and Wyoming in…
This week we have headed north once again, to what you need to know when buying a mobile home in Maryland. We are taking a look at information about where to find some cool homes, how to make sure you are making the right…
This week we are exploring what you should know when buying a mobile home in Kansas. With over 88% of Kansas being used as farmland, there is plenty of space for mobile homes. Did you know Kansas really is flatter than a pancake? Scientists proved…