Our collection of remodeling ideas, repair tips, and decorating inspiration for your mobile home floors, walls, and ceilings.
Mobile home ceilings are a popular topic amongst homeowners. They play a major impact in every room so it's important that they look great. We've already covered how to paint mobile home ceilings so in this article we cover the different designs of gypsum…
Water is one of the most damaging forces on earth and can destroy a home quickly or slowly. Repairing water damage in homes is a multimillion dollar industry in the US. Instead of having to repair water damage after it occurs, this article will…
Pam, our wonderful new MHL contributor and fellow mobile homeowner, shares her beautiful budget-friendly mobile home kitchen makeover. You can see her kitchen backsplash tile board makeover here and her kitchen ceiling fan makeover here. When we moved into our 1975 Single Wide Marshfield Mobile Home,…
Pam Willis, Mobile Home Living’s newest contributor, has been busy remodeling her 1975 single wide mobile home in rural Wisconsin. You can see her ceiling fan face lift project here, and her creative tile board back splash makeover here, and her experience with Federal Pacific electric…
This week in our Ask a Mobile Home Expert series, we are covering questions about mobile home subfloors. Subfloors are an important subject in the mobile home world. Most every home with particle board subflooring will need to have their subfloors replaced eventually. Particle…
This week in our Ask a Mobile Home Expert series we are going to answer questions about replacing floors in mobile homes. Four of our most popular questions about replacing floors in mobile homes are below. If you want to replace your mobile home's…
In our weekly series, Ask a Mobile Home Expert, we have been tackling common issues that we all face as manufactured home owners. Today, we are talking about the infamous mobile home wallboards. Lots of homeowners plan on removing battens from vinyl-coated wallboards. If…
For many years, most mobile and manufactured homes were built with 7-foot side walls. Even if the home has cathedral ceilings, owners were often still stuck with low ceilings in bedrooms and bathrooms. Builders tried to combat low ceilings by using paneling with large…
Luxury vinyl tile is a hot new trend in home decor and design but can you use vinyl tile in manufactured homes and Should you? Yes and Yes! Flooring plays a huge factor in home decor, energy efficiency, and comfort. It can completely change the look…
Accent Walls 101 Accent walls are a great way to add a little punch to your home! They narrow the visitor's focus and states what the room is all about in single glance. What is an Accent Wall? First things first, an accent wall is a wall…
Mobile home remodeling can take a great deal of time, hard work, and money. The finished results are definitely worth the effort but what happens when you are short on cash? We went without a floor covering for a few months after we ripped…