Country Style Double Wide

This country double wide found on HGTV Rate My Space is perfect for all you country and primitive loving readers!

Nature is front and center with this Georgian Mountain manufactured homestead.

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The kitchen shows some great creativity. The wooden spoons used as a garland is a great feature for the country-primitive style.

The backsplash is old fence boards painted. A nature-inspired color palette makes a statement.

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If you look closely you can see the stove vent is wrapped in copper sheeting.

Small details really make a space. Look for places you can add texture or color in your own home.

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The living room is another great example of using textures and color with lots of primitive decor to make the room comfy and stylish and show off this country double wide decor.

The “Long Guns Made Good” sign is handmade by the homeowners. The owner told us that her husband cut the letters and mounted the antique gun on the vintage board. The feathers are from a relative’s Tennessee farm.

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The owner writes that this photo was taken before the molding was added to the top of the golden-yellow wall. I’m sure it matches the wood wall stain and gives the eye a continuous line that makes the 2 separate wall colors cohesive.

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The guest bathroom has all the makings of a country-primitive setting.

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The owners made the mirror frame, the twig tissue box cover, and the outhouse.

Primitive handmade items truly capture the country style. Using what is available is a big part of being ‘country’. Twigs and branches are everywhere in the country – use them in your decor!

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The owners didn’t just stop with the interior of their home. They added special one-of-a-kind features on the outside, too.

The fence and gate were made of natural materials. The pathway is made with cement forms which are an affordable way to make stepping-stones, rock formations and large pebbles for all your outdoor decor needs.

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A pathway with creeping thyme grow.

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The gate is awesome!

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I love this home!

I just came from a weekend in Gatlinburg, TN and the country – primitive style is what the Smoky Mountains are all about.

Unfortunately, the handmade look is expensive but you can save money by making elements yourself. Using what you have around you, just like the owners did here, is the best way to get this look at an affordable price. Plus, it’s fun to make!

Handmade Craft Ideas

Here are a few country crafts I found on Pinterest that could help you get this same look:

Spoon Garland

Dollar Tree wooden spoons painted matte black with a little sanding and attached to twine is a different take on the homeowner’s natural wooden spoon garland. Source.

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Twig Wreaths

Twig wreaths with natural garland is a great way to add a country look to your home. Source.

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Window Frames

Old window frames are a staple in the country and primitive theme. The berry garland is also another well used feature. Source.

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I hope you enjoyed this home as much as I did! It’s a beautiful style that fits well with most any home but especially those nestled in the woods. Can’t get enough of the primitive decor theme? Then you will love this home we featured: Country Primitive Decor in a Mobile Home!

Thank you for reading Mobile Home Living!

10 thoughts on “Country Style Double Wide”

  1. Thanks so much for sharing this with us!!! I have a soft spot in my heart for the GA mountains and doublewides since I had one back in the mid 70's when I was young. Very fond memories. This is a beautiful example of what can be done with a MH. Although, doublewides are so much like a stick built house they do not require much challenge to look great. These folks took a gem and turned it into a diamond!

  2. Hi Crystal, what a great property and I LOVE that gate the homeowners made. They have put a lot of work into their home to make it their own style. I used to love the primitive look and subscribed to Country Sampler, then I got away from that look but I still find myself drawn towards it when I see pictures. It's just such a warm and comfortable look. I love log cabins so the wood walls in the home really appealed to me. Great idea wrapping the stove chimney with copper.
    Lots of great ideas. The pics are from a few years back, I wonder if they still live there.

    Have a great week!

  3. Hi Shirlee! I loved this home the moment I saw it, too. All the homemade goodies are awesome. I used to have my home in the country/primitive style as well and went the complete opposite to retro modern/'s what I love about home decor. It can change the whole mood of a home and make it seem like a whole new home. I hope you are enjoying your summer! Thanks for commenting!

  4. Crystal, we're cut from the same cloth! Although I still have a soft spot for country/primitive, I now find myself wanting a more uncluttered mix of retro/vintage and contemporary look too. We've gotten rid of so much in anticipation of downsizing and moving into a mobile home and I really like the pared down look. Less to clean too.

  5. VERY Country! I love it! The spoon garland tickles me. Cute cute cute.
    I noticed the reversed carsiding on the walls. We did the same thing in our "Whim" on one end of the living room.

  6. Hi Mary,

    Unfortunately no. I looked on Etsy but couldn’t find one there. You would probably have to make it yourself unless you can find one in a primitive shop. Good luck!

  7. Hi, Mary,

    I’d echo Crystal’s comments. I’d check every thrift store, every yard sale, and every estate sale and buy EVERY wooden spoon/scraper/whatever until I had enough utensils to make the garland.

    It looks like the homeowner tied each utensil to the curtain rod with a piece of fabric, torn to look like a “rag.”

    VERY creative!

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