How Much is Your Mobile Home Worth? How to Value Your Manufactured Home

Palm Springs Mobile Home Park

Ready to sell your home? Want to apply for a home equity loan? You’ll need to know your manufactured home value in order to get the most out of it. In this article, you’ll learn what influences the price of your home and where to go and what to do to get the best-guess value of your home. So, how much is your manufactured home worth?

There are several factors that can influence your home’s overall market value. While size, age, and upgrades play a large factor in your home’s worth, there are other things to consider as well.

We’ll cover each variable that can impact your manufactured home’s value and teach you how to figure out your home’s worth.

Factors that Impact a Manufactured Home’s Value 


The land is often more valuable than the home. Since land is a limited supply commodity it will gain value over time whereas a home will lose value. Houses need updates and repairs as it ages so they always depreciate over time, land does the exact opposite and gains value. Eventually land surpasses the home in value. This goes for any kind of home, not just manufactured homes.

The reality is that the physical structure actually depreciates over time. It is the land underneath the structure that appreciates in value. This is a significant distinction, considering that the purchase of a home is the single greatest investment that most retail investors will make in their lifetimes. – Robert Stammers (

Condition, Size, and Layout

The condition of your manufactured home is another major factor in determining its worth. A well-maintained and aesthetically appealing home can demand a higher price.

If your home has minor repair issues, go ahead and fix them before you calculate your home’s value. A fresh coat of paint can do wonders too!

Amy Anderson, an agent with Davidson Realty, Inc. in St. Augustine, Florida, interviewed by US News, stated, “Someone will pay $15,000 more for a well-kept house that’s move-in ready than they will for a house that needs $5,000 worth of work.”

The size and layout of the home are important too. Manufactured homes are a perfect size for the hottest trend in housing – small homes.

Anderson gave US news her opinion on the importance of a home’s size:

“While homebuyers used to swoon over ample square footage, many have fallen out of love with the McMansion. “I think people realize when they buy a 3,300-square-foot house, they’re not getting what they thought they were,” Anderson says. “There’s more upkeep and a lot more involved with taking care of these huge houses.” – Amy Anderson (US News)


The location has a huge impact on every home.

Proximity to schools, hospitals, major commercial areas, and entertainment venues are important to home buyers. Homes that are located in or around places of convenience will be higher value than a home that isn’t.

The location’s statistics will play an important role in home valuation too. Favorable statistics for a neighborhood, such as crime rates and calculated earnings, influenced a home’s valuation. You will also need to consider the neighborhood itself; if surrounding homes are in good condition and the area is not overly developed or crowded this can increase your manufactured home’s value. announced the findings of the Nabewise Studies. Buyers ranked safety, commute, real estate prices, cleanliness, and accessible public transit as the top five most important neighborhood characteristics.


Neighbors play an important part of your home’s total worth. If your neighbors take good care of their homes and have tasteful curb appeal it can positively impact the value of your home.

On the other hand, if a neighbor doesn’t care for their home well it could negatively impact your home’s value.

Related: Learn about even more factors that impact your home’s worth. 

Find your Manufactured Home’s Value

Research The Value Yourself

If you enjoy a good research project, you can determine your home’s worth yourself. This is hardly a scientific method but it can give you a general sense of your property value.

With the proper information and tools available online you should be able to get a fairly accurate estimate. The following is the information you will need to calculate an accurate home value estimate:

  • Look at your property tax statement to see how much your local tax appraiser valued your property.
  • Research your neighborhood’s listings, especially notating listings closest to your home. you can usually find out how much a property sold for through your local county recorder’s office.
  • Order a Comparative Market Analysis from a local Realtor. The market analysis compares your home to others in the general market and allows you to see how much they sold for.

With figures from the three sources above you should be able to get a good idea of your property value.

How Much is Your Manufactured Home Worth?

Download a Fannie Mae Manufactured Home Appraisal Form Here

Appraisal Vs. Book Value

When it comes to manufactured homes there are two different methods used to get a home’s value.

The first is the appraisal which takes into account the land and the home and is what we have been discussing so far in this article. An appraisal takes into account all kinds of information from various sources and is typically calculated by a person.

The second type of home value method for manufactured homes is the book value. The book value is calculated the same way the value of a car is calculated, via an algorithm. It uses the make and model of a home, the size and upgrades, and its age to estimate the home’s value without the land.  These book values are possible thanks to large databases that track large amounts of data on manufactured homes and is typically computer-generated.

NADA Manufactured Home Value Estimate

The NADA Manufactured Home Appraisal System can provide you a home value estimate for $20. You can fill the forms out online or via fax or mail. This guide is used by professionals in assessing manufactured home value and can prove very useful because the system is so thorough.

manufactured home value-NADA Manufactured Home Guides

See a National Appraisal System sample manufactured home appraisal report here. 

Hire An Appraiser

Having a professional manufactured home appraiser can certainly help you determine the fair value of your home. However, you’re going to want to be sure you’re hiring an appraiser that is knowledgeable about manufactured homes. Ask them if they have taken a manufactured home appraisal course or have a certification.

The I’M HOME initiative released a 48 page PDF titled REAL HOMES, REAL VALUE: Challenges, Issues, and Recommendations Concerning Real Property Appraisals of Manufactured Homes that you can read here that looks at the many issues facing manufactured home appraisals today.

A good appraiser will be certified and/or have a state license. Both show a level of educational training and field experience in appraising properties. Most appraisers will have information available explaining their background, experience, and areas of expertise.

You can find a reputable appraiser through an online search or by getting a recommendation from a local Realtor.

Conclusion: How Much is Your Manufactured Home Worth?

As you can see, there are several methods and tools for assessing the value of your manufactured home.

The most recommended method of obtaining an accurate manufactured home appraisal is via a licensed appraiser. They have the experience, knowledge, and professional tools necessary to determine the most accurate value for your home. If you aren’t as worried about accuracy the other methods we mentioned above are a good way to get a close estimate.

Have you had your home appraised? How was your experience? Do you feel it was an accurate value?

Thank you so much for reading Mobile Home Living!

Crystal Adkins

In 2011, Crystal Adkins founded Mobile Home Living after buying a 1978 single wide mobile home in Oak Hill, WV. She searched for mobile home remodeling ideas online but was disappointed by the meager results. Mobile Home Living is now America's most popular resource for mobile home remodeling ideas and decorating inspiration, boasting over 60 million pageviews. She still proudly lives in her 1978 mobile home.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Suzanne Melton

    Thank you, Crystal! Lots of resources here.

  2. Livia

    It’s always a relief when someone with obvious exirptese answers. Thanks!

  3. Danielle Morrow

    This is such a wonderfully sourced, maintained and written website.

  4. Janine Smith

    So glad I found this site! We just purchased our first manufactured home. It is a 1979 Kit Royal Oaks, double wide. It appears like nothing has been updated. Very excited to see what we can do about that!! 🙂

  5. Crystal Adkins

    Congratulations Janine! Take lots of photos of your updates – I’d love to share it!

  6. Sal

    I want to buy a re-sale manufactured home already on land that is likely to appreciate over time. How do I determine the quality? How do I find out the make and model? I don’t want to become enamored with just the visual appeal and would like to know about the construction before making any offer. Some I’ve walked into feel hollow, floors seem cushy and sometimes sqeak. Is that normal? Your advice would be welcomed. Thank you.

  7. Crystal Adkins

    Hi Sal,

    It’s all about the bones. You want to find a higher end model that has the better construction (2×4 or 2×6 framing, high pitched roof, exterior sheathing, subflooring that hasn’t been touched by water). To do all that you will need to inspect the home very closely. Don’t get wrapped up in figuring out the make or model – a high-end Clayton home is better than a low-end Skyline (even though the reviews of the companies say differently). Just like cars, you have 4 major companies that release luxury models that cost more and lower quality cars that cost less.
    Click on the BUY section on the menu and scan through there. I’ve written a ton of articles about what to look for when buying a used home. Best of luck!

  8. Fredro

    Nice post!

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