Buying a Mobile Home in Georgia

mobile home living in georgia-front porch

Each week our focus is on the mobile home buying resources available in each state. Last week our look at Buying a Mobile Home in Pennsylvania offered plenty of great resources.  Buying a Mobile Home in Georgia is in the spotlight this week.

Mobile Home Statistics in Georgia

Mobile Home Village is one of our top resources when it comes to Mobile Home Living statistics across the country. They offered the following facts about Mobile Home Living in Georgia:

  • The average price of a pre-owned home:      $52356
  • Average model year of a pre-owned home:       2005
  • The average square feet of a pre-owned home:1378
  • Average number of sites in a manufactured home community:  106
  • The average year a community was developed:   1978
  • Number of age-restricted communities:  17
  • Number of all-age communities: 381

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What You Need to Know When Buying a Mobile Home in Georgia

Buying Your Mobile Home

The first step to purchasing a mobile home is finding a dealer that can help get you into the perfect home. Be sure to check that your dealer is a member of Georgia’s Manufactured Housing Association since they are likely up to date on current trends and any applicable laws regarding mobile homes in the state.

Once you have purchased your home, you will need to decide where you are planning to place it. Be aware, some counties and cities in Georgia have zoning restrictions, and some localities even prohibit mobile homes. Also, if you are considering placing your mobile home in an existing community, you will want to make sure there aren’t any restrictions as well.

If you have any questions regarding finding a manufacturer, dealer or installer you can find the contact information below:

Georgia MHA
1000 Circle 75 Pkwy., #060
Atlanta, GA 30339
(770) 955-4522

Setting Up Your Mobile Home

When transporting and setting a new mobile home, the dealer typically has a staff that handles all of the necessary paperwork and requirements to transport and install it. The Fire Marshal also created a new law effective October 2004 that requires installers to purchase a permit from the Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner’s Office for each new or pre-owned manufactured home installed in Georgia. The cost of such permit shall be $ 60.00 for each manufactured or mobile home installed.

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All mobile homes must have an installation permit.

Each mobile home will have one of these permits attached to the home upon installation and must be available for any inspector upon request.

Titling Your Mobile Home

Mobile homes are titled through the Georgia Department of Motor Vehicles. The following items are required for the title to be approved:

  • Completed Form MV-1 Tag and Title Application.
    • If the mobile home is a double-wide or a triple-wide:
      • A separate title application is required for each unit:
        • If a separate title or manufacturer’s certificate of origin is issued for each unit, or
        • If the serial number for each unit is listed separately on the title or statement of origin, or
        • Or, if the manufacturer elects to issue only one manufacturer’s statement of origin reflecting the ‘A’ and the ‘B’ side in the manufacturer’s identification number, only one certificate of title will be issued (reflecting the ‘A’ and the ‘B’ in the identification number as shown on the manufacturer’s statement of origin.)
  • Original valid manufacturer’s certificate of origin or title issued in the owner’s full legal name or properly assigned to the owner using their full legal name for each unit of the home when more than one manufacturer’s statement of origin or title has been issued for the home.
  • Fees – Contact your County Tag Office for acceptable methods of payment. The costs are as follows:
    • $18.00 title application fee when the vehicle requires a title and application is made within 30 days of the date of purchase or ownership transfer;
    • If a title is not applied for within 30 days of purchase date, a title penalty fee of $10.00;
    • If the purchase or transfer date on the title or manufacturer’s state of origin is altered, a penalty fee of $10.00 will also be due.
    • Any penalty fees due for late registration renewal or late application for title.
  • Taxes – Subject to Title Ad Valorem Tax (TAVT)Annual Motor Vehicle Ad Valorem Tax, or Georgia Sales and Use Tax.

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Converting Your Mobile Home Into Real Property

If you are planning to move your mobile home to a permanent location, you will need to have your property classified as real property. You will need to have the title and pay a fee of $18 and include the following information:

  • The name and address of the person to whom a certified copy of the Certificate of Permanent Location should be sent by the Clerk of Superior Court once the document has been filed in the office.
  • The full legal name and address of the owner of the mobile home. Said owner must also be the debtor on any lien or security interest perfected against the certificate of title. Each owner must be listed separately, and, if individuals, their last names should be listed first. If the home has more than two (2) owners, attach additional sheets.
  • The full legal names and mailing addresses of the holders of any unsatisfied security interests or liens against the home. Each lien holder/secured party must be listed separately, and if individuals, their last names should be recorded first. If the home has more than two (2) lien holders/secured parties, attach additional sheets.
  • The legal description of the land and the full legal names of the owner upon which the home is affixed, including the deed book number, page number, and the county in which said document is recorded.
  • Have each debtor must sign and date the Certificate of Permanent Location. Each lien holder/secured
    party must sign and date the Certificate of Permanent Location. Following the signatures of the parties, the
    Clerk of Superior Court in which the Certificate of Permanent Location is filed may number the pages
    submitted and certify a copy of the document for submission to the county tag office. The certified copy
    should be given or mailed to the person/company listed in Section 1 (one) by the Clerk of Superior Court.

Once the required form and documents have been approved the county tag office will forward the form, and original title to the Department of Motor Vehicles and the title will be canceled. You can find the form here: Mobile-Manufactured Home Certificate of Permanent Location,

HUD Dispute Resolution Program in the State of Georgia

Georgia’s state fire marshal contracts with the federal HUD dispute resolution for any issues that consumers may have with their mobile home after the warranty has expired or if they are unable to resolve their problem with a dealer or manufacturer during the warranty period.

Be sure to include the following if you are considering filing a complaint:

  • The retailer, manufacturer, installer, HUD, or the State Administrative Agency was notified of alleged defect(s) within one year after the date the home was first installed.
  • The home was not reinstalled.

You can submit your request the following ways:

  • Online
  • Email: ten.prdduhobfsctd-6e01f2@ofni
  • Phone: 571-882-2928
  • Fax: 888-819-5191
  • Mail (preferably certified)

ATTN: Manufactured Home Dispute Resolution Program
1676 International Drive
Suite 501
McLean, Virginia, 22102


A Look at Mobile Home Living in Georgia

We were able to locate some nice mobile homes in the state of Georgia. All of these homes were found on Zillow, and there were actually over 1,300 available single and double wides for sale on this site alone!

buying a mobile home in Georgia-lake living
Looks like a beautiful place to get away.



buying a mobile home in Georgia-front porch
Love how they built the steps on this mobile home.

Related: 9 Beautiful Manufactured Home Porch Ideas.

buying a mobile home in Georgia-double wide
Nice setup of a mobile home.


Related: Landscaping Inspiration for Your Mobile Home.

Next week we are traveling to the corn state, and taking a look at buying a mobile home in Iowa. Stay tuned!

Thanks for reading Mobile Home Living.

Kim Alley

Kim Alley has written over 300 articles for Mobile Home Living and grew up in the same West Virginia hollow as Crystal. She is a proud manufactured homeowner and grandmother.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Jude

    Thinking about the high cost of housing today, a manufactured home might be the affordable solution!

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