Vintage Trailer Parks and Campground Images

trailer park

Over the years we have collected quite a few great  Vintage Trailer Parks and Campground Images. So we thought we would share them with you!

Related: A look at some Unique Vintage Motor Homes.

The following images were found on Flickr. The poster describes the photos as being in Fort Benning, GA in 1953 or 1955.

Vintage Trailer Parks and Campground Images-ATOMIC Hot Links FT Benning GA 53 or 55

Vintage Trailer Parks and Campground Images-ATOMIC Hot Links Ft Benning GA 1953 or 55Vintage Trailer Parks and Campground Images-ATOMIC Hot Links Ft Benning GA 1953 or 55 trailer parkVintage Trailer Parks and Campground Images-ATOMIC Hot Links Ft Benning GA 1953 or 55 car Vintage Trailer Parks and Campground Images-ATOMIC Hot Links Ft Benning GA 1953 or 55 bedroom

Vintage Trailer Parks and Campground Images-ATOMIC Hot Links Ft Benning GA 1953 or 55 interior

All Images Above-Property of Atomic Hot

More Trailer Park Photos

Vintage Trailer Parks and Campground Images-1930strailerpark

Vintage Trailer Parks and Campground Images-1953 mobile home couple

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Vintage Trailer Parks and Campground Images-vintage campground

Vintage Trailer Parks and Campground Images-Orange county Archives - Dana Strand TP Below Salt Creek Dana Point Aug 1956

From Life Magazine

Vintage Trailer Parks and Campground Images-945191_450108921747395_1631758291_n

Vintage Trailer Parks and Campground Images-Griffwood mh park - Leesburg, FL -swampfox-2

Vintage Trailer Parks and Campground Images-553252_438194642938823

Vintage Trailer Parks and Campground Images-554204_438195789605375_1399764655_n

Vintage Trailer Parks and Campground Images-moominsean pheonix az

Vintage Trailer Parks and Campground Images-Vintage Winter Haven FL Park

Vintage Trailer Parks and Campground Images-vintage waterfront mobile homes

Vintage Trailer Parks and Campground Images-trailer park

Unfortunately, I do not know the sources of these images. They were saved on another computer’s hard drive and I messed up when I transferred them. If you know anywhere any of these originated from please let me know so I can credit them properly.

As always, thank you for reading Mobile Home Living!

Crystal Adkins

In 2011, Crystal Adkins founded Mobile Home Living after buying a 1978 single wide mobile home in Oak Hill, WV. She searched for mobile home remodeling ideas online but was disappointed by the meager results. Mobile Home Living is now America's most popular resource for mobile home remodeling ideas and decorating inspiration, boasting over 60 million pageviews. She still proudly lives in her 1978 mobile home.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Sue

    Wow some of these are really amazing pictures. That one place by the ocean, would be sooooo hot inside tin boxes, but would be so worth it. I wonder if there are any places like this today down there??? I don’t have a travel trailer, but have a dream of owning a vintage one day. Hard to find on Vancouver Island tho’ 🙁
    Great photo’s and it would be nice to know who took them.
    Love stuff like this!

  2. Crystal Adkins

    Hi Sue!

    I believe there is still an oceanside campground in Malibu. I saw some photos of Mathew McConaughey (I don’t know how to spell his last name) staying in an Airstream and the ocean was right beside him but it looked like it was on a high cliff. The spots were tight but it had some gorgeous views.

    Glad you liked it – I hate that I lost the sources and I’m trying to find them as I get time – I’m pretty sure they all came from Flickr but that’s all I remember. Thanks for commenting!

  3. Chloe Gravelle

    Hi as a mobile home park owner up here in Cache Creel, B.C. Canada I was thrilled to read about the Vintage homes on your website. I am presently re-doing a 24×58 double wide, should be on the market early Spring. It is located in a park along the river, asking 125,000.00 Thanks again

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