Benefits of Re-Siding Your Mobile Home with Fiber Cement

Regardless of the make or model of your mobile home, it still requires maintenance and upkeep.  New windows and siding are the two most common exterior updates for a mobile home. Most of us go with vinyl but re-siding your mobile home with fiber cement siding makes for a great looking home, too.

Any house siding will require care during its lifetime, including the need for replacement on occasion. If you are ready for a new look consider the many benefits of re-siding your mobile home with fiber cement.

Related: See the Homeowner’s Guide to Mobile Home Siding

Re-Siding Your Mobile Home with Fiber Cement can Mean Lower Maintenance for You

Whether the mobile home is currently sided in wood or vinyl, it will likely have some upkeep each year. Wood siding requires frequent scraping and painting to look its best. Also, over time some of the planks may begin to splinter, rot, or require replacement.

Vinyl siding is often seen as a lower maintenance option, and is frequently installed on mobile homes. However, it has its upkeep and issues as well. Vinyl may warp in hot weather. It may also crack or break upon impact, particularly in the cold, and may even drop right off of your home due to the fastening system.

Re-siding your mobile home with fiber cement gives you a truly low maintenance siding option for your mobile home. Fiber cement doesn’t peel, chip, or flake the way that wood does.  Also, the color doesn’t fade, so you don’t need to worry about repainting every few years.

Fiber cement can hold up better in both hot and frigid climates than vinyl, and it’s installed more similarly to wood, so you don’t need to worry about planks simply popping off over time. Installing fiber cement siding on your mobile home means that you’ll have a lot less exterior maintenance over the coming years than you will with either wood or vinyl.

Fiber cement siding doesn't show wear like some other types
Maintenance on fiber cement siding is easy

Better Durability

Hand in hand with the maintenance issues of wood and vinyl is the question of durability. Fiber cement siding contains a mixture of sand, silica, cellulose fiber, and Portland cement. This makes it heavier, denser, and more durable than either wood or vinyl. So, no matter what area or conditions your mobile home is in, or if you decide to move it from one place to another, you can rest assured that your mobile home will continue to look as good as it does the day that you re-side your mobile home with fiber cement.
In fact, fiber cement siding not only helps protect your mobile home from impact, it’s also fire resistant and bug resistant as well. This increased durability can help protect your home from anything Mother Nature may throw at it.


Mobile homes can be just as attractive and stylish as stick built homes. They can also have a range of different appearances and trims. Fiber cement siding is easily able to accommodate any look or style that you desire for your mobile home.
Whether you choose to create the look of a rustic cabin with stained, irregular shingles, or you want the classic look of horizontal lap siding, it’s possible to create the look by re-siding your home with fiber cement. And with several options for matching trim as well, you can not only complete the look of your mobile home, you can get the same durability and low maintenance good looks everywhere on the exterior at once.

You can choose the type that best fits your style
Fiber cement siding comes in a variety of colors and textures

Fiber cement house siding also comes in a wide range of colors, able to suit any region your home may be located in. From dark greens to pale cream, you can find a color that will complement your mobile home.

Install Fiber Cement Siding on Your Mobile Home

Mobile homes deserve the same care, attention, and quality materials as other properties. Make sure that your mobile home is beautiful and low maintenance by installing fiber cement siding.

Weight Issues

Fiber cement is a heavy siding material. It’s made of 90% silica (sand) so it weighs in at around 300 pounds per 100 square foot. That’s 8 pounds more than cedar siding.

Because of the weight, fiber cement is best for manufactured homes that have standard size studs (2×4 or larger) and will not be moved.

re-siding your mobile home with fiber cement
Fiber cement siding installation

What do you think? Do you have fiber cement siding?  We want to hear from you.  Comment below and let us know!

Thank you for reading Mobile Home Living!

Kim Alley

Kim Alley has written over 300 articles for Mobile Home Living and grew up in the same West Virginia hollow as Crystal. She is a proud manufactured homeowner and grandmother.

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