Melodie’s Marvelous Manufactured Home Makeover

Melodies Manufactured Home Living Room

The best thing about manufactured housing is their affordability. If you want to live debt free, yet comfortably, buying an affordable manufactured home and updating it yourself is a smart option. That’s exactly what Melodie and Steve, the owners of this marvelous manufactured home makeover have done.

The couple had never lived in a manufactured home but their desire to live debt-free inspired them to research the option. Eventually, the couple made the decision to sell their stick built home and pay cash for a double wide manufactured home.

They put their site-built home on the market in October 2012 and it sold within 2 days. Melodie and Steve bought the double wide and within three months they had completely transformed their home. The results are awesome so we’ve deemed it Melodies’ marvelous manufactured home makeover. 

Melodie and Steve’s story is not uncommon. Lot’s of people are easing themselves into debt-free lifestyles. With the economy barely rebounding from the recession and more companies outsourcing jobs every day (buy American!), living debt-free makes perfect sense.

None of this means we have to live in a home that isn’t gorgeous. Time and time again, it has been proven that affordable living can also mean beautiful living.

What they have done with this manufactured home is remarkable. In less than 3 months they turned this basic house into an especially beautiful home. Luckily, she’s sharing the transformation with us!

Her site-built home was beautiful but for someone whose goal is to become completely debt-free, it wasn’t practical. By selling their home at a profit, they were able to pay cash for their manufactured home and still have money left over for a marvelous manufactured home makeover.

Melodie’s marvelous manufactured home makeover started out as a standard 1995 Palm Harbor home that can be found on any dealer’s lot in America.

Be prepared, the following photos will blow your mind!

It never ceases to amaze me what people can do with their manufactured homes. Yes, makeovers and remodels are a lot of work and honestly, a lot of money (though there are ways to save and refurbish material) but to be able to call such a gorgeous house your home makes it worth all the planning, cost and hassle.

manufactured home-kitchen before
manufactured home-interior before
manufactured home-kitchen before
manufactured home-living room before


Melodie’s Marvelous Manufactured Home Makeover

This marvelous manufactured home makeover is a perfect example of the potential that factory-built homes have.

Had I not told you this was a manufactured home, you probably would have never known.

manufactured home-kitchen after
manufactured home-kitchen after 2

Lot’s of sanding, painting, ripping up and tearing down took place in the last 3 months. Here’s the kitchen getting its makeover. White will always be a great color for a kitchen. It opens up the space and gives a great base for other colors to make a statement. You can easily change the style out without having to repaint, too.

manufactured home-kitchen after 3


manufactured home-living room after


manufactured home-fireplace


manufactured home-interior after


manufactured home-dining room after


manufactured home-dining room after 2


The old dining room had a sofa and chair in it and wasn’t used as a dining area. Melodie transformed it into a beautiful formal dining room.

manufactured home- dining room 3


manufactured home-interior after


manufactured home-dining room table


manufactured home-bathroom before and after

manufactured home-master bath after

Manufactured home makeovers like this prove that anyone can live in affordable housing that is absolutely gorgeous!

manufactured home-master bath after


manufactured home-bedroom after


Melodie saw the possibilities and had the talent to plan and the gumption to make the changes. Between the couple’s talent, they turned the house into a home worthy of a magazine cover!

manufactured home-lighting

Melodie’s marvelous manufactured home makeover is breathtaking!

New flooring, paint, furniture, curtains, trim, and decor transformed this house into a lovely, modern home.

People often trade a used home in for a new one so you can usually buy a used mobile home at a great price so it is perfect for anyone looking to live in an affordable home.

Melodie will be keeping us up to date with the rest of the changes she has planned on her own blog Our Cottage on Lot 56, so be sure to check it out. With her talent, there will be plenty of inspiration!

Melodie has also been kind enough to answer a few questions for us. Be sure to check out her interview.

As always, thanks so much for reading Mobile Home Living!

Crystal Adkins

In 2011, Crystal Adkins founded Mobile Home Living after buying a 1978 single wide mobile home in Oak Hill, WV. She searched for mobile home remodeling ideas online but was disappointed by the meager results. Mobile Home Living is now America's most popular resource for mobile home remodeling ideas and decorating inspiration, boasting over 60 million pageviews. She still proudly lives in her 1978 mobile home.

This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Lara

    What a lovely transformation! I too am in a total renovation of a mobile home. It's in a very lovely park, great neighbors and I literally bought the place with the money my husband and I had set aside for a down payment on a traditional home. We are a year in transforming it to a stunning home…we are near the half way mark. We have become debt free since purchasing our home and are able to pay for the renovations cash in hand. I have zero regrets, these homes are often found in great communities at a fraction of the price, but if you put the love and care into them they have a great resale value. It's great to see that we are not the only ones to shake aside the stereotypes and understand the full potential of these homes!

  2. CrystalMHL

    Hi Lara!
    I love your comment! Thanks so much for writing it.
    It's great to know that others are going debt free and loving their home, too. Manufactured homes don't deserve the stigma they have, they are great homes that can be turned into anything you want. All it takes is a little know how and a lot of Our remodel is going much slower than I anticipated. I was hoping within 3 years it would be completely finished but we just can't seem to catch a break, time or money wise, something always seems to come up and drains our remodeling stash. We'll get it though 🙂

    You know, I'm always looking for homes to share. I know you're only half way finished but please keep MMHL in mind. I appreciate you taking the time out to comment. Good luck on your remodel, I hope it turns out exactly how you dreamed 🙂

  3. Tina

    Wow!! I just stumbled on this site and LOVE IT!! My husband and I are in our early 50's, kids grown, left with big house on over an acre of property. We are looking for downsizing options that will leave us debt free and this seems to be the most logical for us. We have looked at some MH's, some new some older and can see that we will have to do work no matter what we decide. We are very handy, hubby is a contractor, so getting our hands dirty is something we look forward to. Biggest concern is almost all MH communities where we live are 55 plus, we are almost there, no quite. More concerned that we will be much younger than the residents. Is this an issue anyone else has run into? Love looking at all of your inspirational transformations!

  4. CrystalMHL

    Hi Tina!

    Thank you so much for reading and commenting!
    I hope you find the perfect park for your new debt-free life. My best advice is to talk to the tenants, knock on doors and ask lots of questions before you decide on a park. You'll learn much more that way than you ever would through the employee. Every park has their good and bad, you just need to find the one that fits the best with your lifestyle. Your concern is very valid and is something that should be evaluated and looked into. You certainly don't want to be in a park where there are no other residents that share similar hobbies and lifestyles. I'm confident you'll find the perfect park and you and your husband will have a beautiful home that is affordable and gorgeous!

    Good luck to you! Keep us informed on how it all goes!

  5. Krista

    Love your site, I am possibly going to be buying one and am very scared about it!!However after seeing your site I am way more encouraged, thank you!! Also did you make your table? Love it

  6. CrystalMHL

    Hi Krista! It is a scary time when buying a home but just know than many of us happily live in manufactured homes and you really can make it into any style and any type of home you want 🙂 I'm a slacker, all planned projects are slow going. We've just been working so much that by the time we both get a day off together we don't wanna do much at all…it's a vicious cycle but hopefully someday it will all be finished (someday far, far in the Good luck!!

  7. Katie

    This is awesome! I love every bit of it! What is the flooring in the kitchen & baths?
    We have a vintage mobile home at the beach and we are looking for a flooring solution that is durable and stylish.

  8. Britt

    What kind of flooring did you use in the kitchen and bathrooms. Its beautiful, but is it durable and what about water damage?

  9. Chyanne

    I’d like to know what was done to get rid of those ugly strips on the wall between each sheet of “drywall”

  10. pamm

    We are also in the process of making over our DW MH. We had to downsize due to illness. Never lived in a MH before. We are slowly changing the look & the feel of our 2002 MH. When we get further along I will post some pics. Love your site!!

  11. Crystal Adkins

    Great to hear from you Pamm! I would love to feature your home!

  12. Stephanie

    Did you paint the molding on the ceiling or replace it?

  13. robin

    tina, I had to check the name on your letter to make sure I didn’t write it;) … I do wish some parks would lower that age to 50 or even 52 but I have to say (after thinking about it) that even if the average age is 80 it would be preferable to a lot of this generation of 25 yr olds. we just bought a 2000 Fleetwood and paid less than 1k… it’s somewhat livable but I plan on doing much work to it. being mortgage – free is worth living with a bunch of “old people”!! lol I wan to send in pics but I haven’t had one letter to this site ever answered so I guess there’s no point i’m curious though on what you decide because you are right there’s a lot of work to do whether it is brand new or a handy-man special. we moved ours to a regular park as in Maryland there aren’t too many senior parks but I would guess the average age of the residents is 55 anyway. good luck to u!!!

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