Laundry Room Makeover Ideas for your Mobile Home

laundry room makeover ideas - fresh

Many of us spend more time than we would like in the laundry room so it makes sense to make that space as beautiful and functional as possible. These laundry room makeover ideas do just that.

Manufactured homes typically incorporate the laundry room with the back door. The space can vary in size, some have just enough space to allow a washer and dryer to fit a rooroom largeough to act as a mud room, utility closet, and laundry room in one.

Smaller laundry rooms can be as functional and beautiful as large rooms, you just have to think about how you use the space and find solutions that will work in multiple ways. Adding storage and hampers is a great place to start.

Great Mobile Home Laundry Room Makeover 

We’ll start off with a mobile home laundry remodel that took a small space from bland to grand. The room was a typical single wide laundry. The owners first replaced the walls and then added boards behind the washer and dryer to add texture. They kept the wood light to open up the space and then topped the wall off with a shelf.

The first image shows the newly installed wall behind the washer and dryer followed by the individual boards being installed.

before laundry room remodel in mobile home

adding a new wall in a mobile home laundry room

The finished result is a great laundry room that is beautiful and functional. laundry room remodel 2

More Great Laundry Room Makeover Ideas for your Manufactured Home

As with any decorating, a great laundry room makeover requires some forethought and pre-game decision making. Do you want the room to feel bright and airy? Cozy and homey? Do you prefer the feel of a cottage beach home or a country primitive home? You can get ideas here at or by searching our Pinterest boards.

We’ve gathered over 25 great laundry room makeover ideas for all sizes and styles:

laundry room makeover ideas - beadboard

This next laundry room makeover is beautiful and you can see the step-by-step makeover process here.

laundry room makeover ideas 2

laundry room makeover ideas - bright white

laundry room makeover ideas - calm

laundry room makeover ideas - country primitive

laundry room makeover ideas - fresh and clean

laundry room makeover ideas - fresh

laundry room makeover ideas - rustic

laundry room makeover ideas - simple country

laundry room makeover ideas - simple

laundry room makeover ideas - striped

laundry room makeover ideas - teal

laundry room makeiver ideas 3

laundry-room-inspiration 3

laundry-room-makeover ideas - country

laundry-room-inspiration 2


laundry-room makeover ideas 4

laundry room makeover ideas - upscale

laundry room makeover ideas - victorian vintage

laundry room makeover ideas - wood

laundry room makeover ideas -sexy

laundry room makeover ideas

launfry room makeover ideas - decals for washers and dryers

New Laundry Room makeover ideas

How to Makeover your Laundry Room

Once you know how you want makeover your mobile home laundry room, pick out a paint color that goes with the style you have chosen. Bright colors such as sunny yellow, orange, or pastel blue will make the room seem larger. Darker colors such as burnt orange, rust, or a deep taupe will give the room a cozier feel.

Buy a few new decorations to add pizzazz and personality. There are many decorative items as well as organization items available for laundry room makeovers. If you are decorating on a budget, thrift stores often have great finds. Once you have everything ready, it’s time to begin using elbow grease.

Get laundry room design information here. 

 Clear the Room

To start your laundry room makeover, remove everything from the room. Unhook the washer and dryer and move to an out of the way area. When moving the washer, be careful and observe any leakage coming from the hoses. This is also a good time to check the plumbing for leaks or breaks and make any necessary repairs.

Learn how to unhook a washer correctly here. 

If there are any other pieces of furniture such as a table or cabinets, remove them as well. You will want the room as empty as possible. Take down any curtains or blinds from windows or doors and temporarily store them.

Clean the Room 

The next step is to clean. A quick sweep and mop won’t do unless the room is new and has not accumulated dirt. For most of us, behind the washer and dryer accumulates lint, dirt, sand, and a variety of other nuisances. Start by giving it a good sweet or vacuum, concentrating especially on the ground in messes. Once it is swept well, wash down the walls with a good cleaner, wipe down all windows, doors, and framing. If you have hung cabinets, clean them thoroughly.

Paint the Room

Next, paint the walls and do all trim work. Depending on the original color of the wall and the color of the paint, you may need to do two coats. If it needs more than one coat, take the extra time to paint again. It will be worth it.

Learn how to paint mobile home vinyl walls here. 

After all, the paint is completely dry and any mess is cleaned up, move the washer and dryer back into place. When hooking up the washer, make sure the hot and cold are hooked up to the correct faucets! Also be sure everything is secure and tightened well.

Related: Dryer Safety 101 – Cleaning and Maintaining Your Dryer

Accessorize and Decorate

Add your accessories, storage items, organizational items, and hang curtains, if applicable. Neatly organize your detergent, fabric softener, stain remover, and any other household items you keep in the laundry room. You have now successfully completed your mobile home redecorating project and can stand back and admire your hard work.

Helpful Laundry Room Dimensions 

This Old House recently released a very helpful article that provides dimensions for frequently remodeled rooms. Here’s their laundry room dimension guides:

laundry room dimensions

laundry room dimensions 2

You don’t have to spend a lot to makeover your laundry room. These laundry room updates can be just as effective as complete remodels!

As always, thank you so much for reading Mobile Home Living!


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Kim Alley

Kim Alley has written over 300 articles for Mobile Home Living and grew up in the same West Virginia hollow as Crystal. She is a proud manufactured homeowner and grandmother.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Suzanne

    These laundry rooms are gorgeous!

    A tip: the wire shelving that you can purchase at Home Depot or Lowe’s can be pretty spendy.

    Dave has about ten 24-foot lengths that sat in his rental garage for a “few” years.

    He pulled out two, cut them to fit in the laundry room, washed them with TSP, and spray-painted them with white appliance paint. We did have to purchase the supports and accessories but the shelves themselves were almost free.

    We did the same in the master bedroom closets (spray-painted them in Nutmeg) and in my office (spray-painted them in hammered dark bronze).

    My point here is if you HAVE some old wire shelving or SEE some wire shelving at a yard sale, estate sale, auction, etc., GET IT!

  2. Beth

    Hi Crystal! We modeled our laundry room remodel after the image in your list with the turquoise walls and the chandelier after seeing it on the web several years ago. It’s just too bad that I am such a slacker that I haven’t posted that project on our site yet. Grrrr. Thanks for the reminder that I have a blog and about 15 projects I haven’t posted. Procrastination is my strong suit. Your blog is looking terrific!

    I really love the image here that has the skirt on a spring rod covering the counter under the cabinets but above the washer counter. Now I am going to do that this week!

  3. Crystal Adkins

    Hi Beth! Your home is so beautiful! I’d love to see the laundry room makeover!

    I’ve been slacking too so don’t feel bad. if I had about 3 more hours in the day I could probably get caught up…lol…Thanks so much for commenting – I always love to hear from one of my favorite mobile home remodelers!!

  4. marlene miles

    First, love your site. I sold manufactured homes for 10 years so I know the good and bad about the business. I recently moved into one myself and doing a lot of repairs myself. My problem is I bought a new dryer but it doesn’t dry well. The home is 37 years old and I feel it’s something with the wiring. Could I be right and if so what is the remedy?
    Thank you

  5. Crystal Adkins

    Hi Marlene,

    You could very well be right though I believe by ’78 or ’79 the old aluminum wiring was no longer used. Electricity is the one topic you won’t find much about on here, unfortunately. I’m married to a plumber, and electricity scares me! I don’t know enough about it to feel good about providing advice. If you can, have an electrician come out and look at your breaker and breaker box, you may just need a high amp or the breaker isn’t working properly?

    I know my dryer stops heating but the drum still turns and I have to reset my breaker but after I do it everything works fine. Our entire home was rewired just a few years ago so it may just be something similar for you.

    Best of luck, sorry I can’t be any help!

  6. Stephanie

    We have a double wide mobile home that has been renovated. The laundry area had smaller older units with a bifold door to close to hide them. We have newer models and both the washer a and dryer do mot allow us to sue the bifold doors to close. We are thinking of adding 6″ on to the closet and give us more room so the doors will close. Any thoughts?? We would appreciate any help.

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