Gorgeous modern decor in a mobile home living room


Jeff and Felicia French are no strangers to remodeling. As owners of a construction company in Southeast Louisiana, they’ve done many home improvements for others but this was the first time they’d conquered their own mobile home renovation.

Their experience shows in this mobile home renovation. Every room in the French’s 1997 Buccaneer single wide is gorgeous!


French cottage style mobile home renovation in a single wide


The handy couple bought the single wide in July and quickly got to work. The first step in the French’s mobile home renovation was to paint the walls in Sea Salt from Sherwin Williams.

Felicia and Jeff created their gorgeous French cottage mobile home without spending a fortune.

It’s so cozy and so inviting!
French Cottage Style Mobile Home Renovation
Fabulous French country cottage decor.


Secondhand finds and smart buys have helped the French’s create this fabulous French Cottage style home.

Felicia told us that one of her favorite rooms is the living room and it’s easy to see why.

french cottage : shabby chic style living room

The brand new slipcovered sofa was found on Facebook’s marketplace. Most of Felicia’s decor items come from places like Hobby Lobby, Target, and T.J. Maxx.


Cozy French Cottage decor in living room
Cozy French cottage comfort!


Fabulous French Cottage: $1500 Mobile Home Kitchen Renovation

Felicia saved a ton of money by shopping for home improvement items on Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace. The kitchen backsplash was purchased from the Facebook marketplace. She found 300 pieces of subway tile for $50.



The before and after shows just how many changes the French’s made in the kitchen. Remarkably, this total mobile home kitchen remodel cost just $1500. To put that in perspective, the average kitchen remodel in the US is $22, 885 (per HomeAdvisor.com)! Mobile Home Improvement Projects You Can Do Yourself


Country style kitchen island and farmhouse kitchen sink in mobile home
The French’s $1500 kitchen remodel is remarkable!

This looks like a $15,000 remodel, not a $1,500 one.


Here’s the before and after images of the French’s $1500 kitchen remodel:

before and after images of mobile home kitchen renovation
The top half is the mobile home kitchen before French’s remodel. The bottom is after.


They gutted the lower cabinetry in the kitchen and installed new pre-made cabinetry and hardware from Home Depot.

They also replaced the countertops with a solid surface prefabbed laminate. New appliances and a custom island complete the mobile home kitchen remodel.

Dining room in mobile home - French country style


The couple saved money during the mobile home renovation in a couple different ways.  Buying home improvement products from big box stores is often cheaper than buying mobile home specific products. Buying bathtubs and faucets from Lowe’s or Home Depot often require retrofitting.

Read our mobile home bathroom guide here. 

Another challenge during the couple’s remodel was with the plumbing under the kitchen sink and the two vanities in the bathroom. They were used to plumbing in site-built homes where pipes are tucked into the walls and not just up through the floors like a mobile home. 


$550 Total Mobile Home Bathroom Remodel


The master bathroom got its own affordable transformation. They ripped out both vanities and replaced them with vanities from Home Depot.


It’s amazing what paint and new vanity can do for a bathroom.

before and after images of a mobile home bathroom renovation
The left side is the bathroom before, the right side after the remodel.


Paint, new cabinets, and the right decor freshened up the bathroom without costing too much.

before and after images of a complete mobile home bathroom renovation
Before and after images of the $500 mobile home bathroom remodel.

Learn how to plan a stress-free mobile home remodel here. 


French Cottage Barn Door Project

They also installed barn doors to close off the master bathroom from the bedroom. When we asked Felicia what her proudest DIY moment was she had a hard time choosing but ultimately chose the barn door project in her master suite. It lends perfectly to the modern farmhouse style that she has mastered so well in this single wide. 


Farm Doors in a mobile home bedroom
Felicia’s favorite DIY project is the barn doors in the master suite.

The barn doors separate the bathroom from this cozy bedroom.


French cottage bedroom decor in a single wide mobile home
Cozy French cottage bedroom in a single wide mobile home. I’d never want to leave!



Stylish Second Bedroom

The second bedroom is just as cozy and stylish as the rest of the home.

Colorful bedroom in a single wide mobile home



french cottage mobile home decor


Felicia’s Interview with Mobile Home Living


We like to ask all our featured homeowners a few questions about their experiences buying, living in, and remodeling a mobile home. Felicia kindly answered every question.

Her first tip is to ensure the mobile home is as level as possible before you begin your own mobile home remodel. Even with a water level, you’ll likely encounter issues where the home may not be completely square.

She stresses the importance of taking your time and being patient with the mobile home renovation process.

We asked the French’s if they had any advice for people considering buying a mobile home. She warns those that aren’t familiar with mobile homes to keep an open mind and not underestimate the possibilities, you can create a gorgeous home from any house.


Louisiana Heat

Living in a mobile home is different from living in a site-built home and it can take a little getting used too. Every issue has a fix though.
Of course, the couple has several more home improvement projects planned. It hasn’t been all fun and games for this creative couple. Living in a mobile home has proved particularly challenging in the Lousiana summer. It gets quite hot! To combat the heat they have several plans but for now, they’ve installed bamboo roll shades and light filtering drapes over the windows. A portable air unit runs for the hottest part of the house.


Of course, the home is as decorated on the outside as it is on the inside. Read our mobile home door guide here. 

Welcoming mobile home front door
Welcome home!


Home is What You Make It


Reflecting on her Instagram photo, Felicia writes, “I was on the phone with a friend and we started talking about homes and places that we have lived and I told her that we had moved out of our brick home and bought some land and a mobile home…We got to talking about how it doesn’t matter where you lay your head at night as long as you wake up in the morning feeling at peace. That was the jest of our conversation, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a brick home, apartment, or mobile home. It’s what you make of it. It’s the love that fills the four walls that matters.”

We couldn’t agree more!

Felicia shares her home on her gorgeous Instagram account which is how we found her. I’m sure she was a bit suspicious when I messaged her asking if I could feature her home on Mobile Home Living. I’m so glad she decided to reply! Thank you, Felicia! You have a gorgeous home that proves we can live stylishly in a more affordable home.


As always, thank you for reading for reading Mobile Home Living! 


Crystal Adkins

In 2011, Crystal Adkins founded Mobile Home Living after buying a 1978 single wide mobile home in Oak Hill, WV. She searched for mobile home remodeling ideas online but was disappointed by the meager results. Mobile Home Living is now America's most popular resource for mobile home remodeling ideas and decorating inspiration, boasting over 60 million pageviews. She still proudly lives in her 1978 mobile home.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Linda Haigler

    I love this home can you tell me what kind of flooring they used in the kitchen and bathroom. Thanks

  2. Becky Tinsley

    They did an absolutely beautiful job!!! Their home is gorgeous.

  3. Chuck

    What a wonderful job you did with your home. Every room you made extra special.

  4. Cherie Nottingham

    Really love this place. You can feel the warmth throughout the house. The kitchen is stunning!

  5. staci lee

    Holy cow – that bathroom! Awesome 😀 Those mobile home tubs are always the elephant in the room to try and either work around or replace, but this remodel makes me actually want to use it. A beautiful remodel – love the kitchen and bath.

  6. laura pollreisz

    Great job, but there is no way that Kitchen remodel was done for $1500, not with everything you listed. Lower Cabinets, counter tops and stainless steel appliances and everything else shown.

  7. Crystal Adkins

    She already had the appliances! Apologies for the confusion.

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