Debt-Free and Dreamy 1985 Liberty Single Wide Mobile Home Remodel

Liberty Single Wide Mobile Home Living Room After Remodel

It’s rare to have so many before and after images to show the clear progression of this 1985 Liberty Single Wide Mobile Home Remodel so I’m especially excited. Justin and Sarah Wartick lives in Oklahoma and purchased a 1985 Liberty single wide that had seen better days. The Warticks saw the potential of the home and had the tenacity and know-how to make their debt-free dream home a reality.

This 1985 Liberty Single Wide Had Seen Better Days

Most people would write this mobile home off as junk but Sarah and Justin aren’t most people. They saw a ton of potential in the 1985 Liberty mobile home. Together, with their ambition, know-how, and tenacity they transformed the home bit-by-bit while living debt-free.

The Warticks purchased the mobile home as-is for $2,000 and had it moved onto a low-cost long term leased property. They spent six months remodeling the mobile home before the family moved into it.

The Exterior Before 1985 Liberty Single Wide Mobile Home Remodel

The home had a good frame and chassis which was all they really needed. Here’s what the exterior of the home looked like when Sarah and Justin purchased it:

1985 Liberty single wide before remodel 1
1985 Liberty single wide before remodel

Hardie Board siding had been improperly installed over the home’s original siding improperly.

removing the siding from 1985 Liberty single wide

First, they installed new siding and roofing.

1985 Liberty single wide mobile home exterior during new siding and roofing install

The finished exterior:

1985 Liberty single wide mobile home exterior after new siding and roofing

We basically gutted the entire house.

Interior Before 1985 Liberty Single Wide Mobile Home Remodel

Here’s what the kitchen and living room looked like when they first bought the home.

Learn our best tips to remodel a mobile home on a budget here.

kitchen old mobile home before remodel

The cedar walls in the image below were reused to create post and beams that span the living area of the single wide.

old mobile home before remodel - cedar wall

New floors and walls were installed next. They sheetrocked the walls which Sarah admits was her least favorite part of the whole remodel.

remodeling the interior of the 1985 Liberty single wide mobile home

Real wood flooring in the kitchen and dining room before and after staining.

installing the floor in 1985 Liberty single wide mobile home
staining new floors in mobile home

The industrious couple gutted the kitchen next. They installed new cabinets and appliances. Sarah is a bargain shopper and bought appliances, light fixtures, and the sink at a Habitat for Humanity Restore.

 1985 Liberty single wide mobile home remodel  - kitchen cabinets installed

The Wartick’s home after the interior remodel is gorgeous! The modern farmhouse decor fits the home so well.

1985 Liberty single wide mobile home remodel  - kitchen and dining room after

The light mint green kitchen cabinets paired with the cedar beam and post along with the dark wood flooring are gorgeous. Not to mention, that stove is perfect a perfect fit for a farmhouse style home!

The dining room is amazing! Sarah and Justin used materials that were already in the mobile home in creative ways. They recycled the cedar-lined walls from the living room and kitchen and turned them into the beam and the handmade counter in the kitchen.

See 15 Great Mobile Home Remodels!

beautiful farmhouse style dining room in mobile home

Building a New Living Room Addition

The handy couple knew they wanted a bigger home from the get-go but didn’t want to buy a double wide due to the high transportation costs.

They calculated that building a mobile home addition would ultimately be cheaper than buying a double wide so as soon as money was saved they built one.

They turned the living room of the single wide into the dining room and then built an addition onto the home to serve as their living room.

Addition being built onto 1985 Liberty single wide mobile home remodel
Addition being built onto 1985 Liberty single wide mobile home remodel  - framing

The new living room addition on the 1985 Liberty single wide mobile home remodel also carries the farmhouse style. They used paneling and trimmed out the seams with 4″ boards. Sarah stated that building the remodel was easier than remodeling the mobile home since they didn’t have to demo anything.

addition on single wide mobile home
1985 Liberty single wide addition after
1985 Liberty single wide addition after  2

Bedrooms and Bathrooms

The children’s bedrooms look like they came straight out of a catalog. Love the colorful Western decor!

1985 Liberty single wide kids bedroom after
kids bedroom in mobile home
1985 Liberty single wide kids bedroom after with crib
kids bedroom with colorful teepee
IMG_2235OPTZMD1985 Liberty Single wide kids bedroom with colorful decor

Amazing Before and After Mobile Home Remodel – Bathroom

The paper bag flooring is stunning in the master bathroom! The paper bag flooring before and after sealing. You can learn how to create your own paper bag flooring here.

Awesome Outdoor Living Space

We’re not finished yet! The Warwicks apparently never sleep! Justin and Sarah created a fun outdoor living space. Sarah says this is one of the families favorite parts of the home. They have a lot of cookouts and pool parties during the warm Oklahoma summers.

cool exterior patio on 1985 Liberty single wide mobile home
cool exterior patio on mobile home 2
cool exterior patio on 1985 Liberty single wide mobile home 3
Beautiful exterior of 1985 Liberty single wide mobile home

For our featured homeowners to see the potential in this mobile home and work so hard to create such a beautiful mobile home is inspirational, to say the least. Justin and Sarah did every bit of the work themselves to save money.

A breakdown of all the things that were changed for this amazing before and after mobile home remodel:

  • New siding
  • New sheetrock
  • New insulation
  • Updated electric
  • Installed tongue & groove wood floors
  • Added a large cedar beam in the living room, kitchen, and dining room (for support and looks)
  • New light fixtures
  • New windows
  • New floorplan
  • New roof
  • Added an addition, patio area and porch

They plan to live in the home for a few years while saving up for their dream home. They eventually hope to give the mobile home to their daughter as a starter home – lucky girl!

You can learn more about buying a pre-owned mobile home here.

This is a great example of what mobile home living is all about! Thank you, Sarah and Justin, for letting us share your gorgeous home and your story. You are a true inspiration.

And, as always, thank you for reading Mobile Home Living!

Crystal Adkins

In 2011, Crystal Adkins founded Mobile Home Living after buying a 1978 single wide mobile home in Oak Hill, WV. She searched for mobile home remodeling ideas online but was disappointed by the meager results. Mobile Home Living is now America's most popular resource for mobile home remodeling ideas and decorating inspiration, boasting over 60 million pageviews. She still proudly lives in her 1978 mobile home.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Jeannie

    This looks remarkably like an older mobile home on my son’s farm. I plan to rework it for a place to stay occasionally & to retire eventually. I’ve been wondering if it’s worth the cost to update but it IS paid for so…I’m going to try.

  2. Carla

    Our first mobile home was a used Liberty, made about 1970. It had the best floor plan I’ve ever seen and I wish we hadn’t sold it. This family has done a great job!

  3. Jess

    I wish the photos were still here. We are looking at a 1985 single wide & need inspiration.

  4. Kim

    Can you not see the images? I pulled up the article and could see them.

  5. Kathy T Keeton

    Good day. Love the article re: 1985 Liberty restoration. As it happens, we have purchased property on which there is the same SWMH. Can someone advise where we can locate the master water shut-off valve? We would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

  6. Cpaulino

    We are on mobile home remodel number 3 . They are good starter homes when purchased and remodeled. However, they often require new sun footing since the original subfloor is MDF and not OSB. MDF is subject to water damage which often occurs. We usually over lay undamaged MDF with 1/2 inch OSB followed by Liam to get a smooth surface for finished flooring. We also sister the floor joists when possible to supports the heavier materials we are using. Drywall can be applied over the current wall materials in a laminated technique. It makes the walls smoother and more like a stick built home. Add new plumbing doors interior finishes and siding outside and it can be a great stater or rental property.

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